Autobiography of a Face Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lucy Grealy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Autobiography of a Face Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lucy Grealy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Lucy and her mother do for the next two years?
(a) Enjoy each other's company.
(b) Enroll her in a program for children dealing with cancer.
(c) Help her catch up in her school work.
(d) Drive into New York City every day for radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

2. What does Lucy say begins to revive her?
(a) The smell of the liquefied food.
(b) The nutrients in the food.
(c) The love of friends and family.
(d) The chemo.

3. With what does Lucy become obsessed?
(a) Her visits to the hospital.
(b) Finding a way to seek out that guru for herself.
(c) Her medication.
(d) Horses.

4. At what does Lucy become adept?
(a) Being sneaky around the hospital.
(b) Hiding her feelings from Derek.
(c) Hiding her face from children behind a curtain of her own hair.
(d) Controlling her emotions during tests and surgeries.

5. What happens when Lucy wakes in recovery?
(a) She finds out that Mary had lied to her about the pain.
(b) She is feeling better than before surgery.
(c) The surgery did not go as planned.
(d) She's hurting all over and finds she has had a tracheotomy.

6. When Lucy complains of severe jaw pain, what does her mother think it is?
(a) A headache.
(b) A muscle spasm.
(c) A bruise.
(d) A toothache.

7. How does Lucy learn that she will skip her chemo treatment if she is sick?
(a) When she reads it in a book.
(b) When her doctor tells her.
(c) When her mother tells her.
(d) By accident.

8. How does Lucy react when her hair begins to fall out?
(a) She screams.
(b) She falls asleep.
(c) She is silent.
(d) She cries.

9. Who was not Lucy's favorite visitor?
(a) Her friend, Jan.
(b) Her sister.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her mother.

10. Why are Tuesdays the best days of the week?
(a) The worst part of the nausea has past.
(b) She can have visitors.
(c) She has forgotten the pain of the chemo.
(d) She gets to eat solid foods.

11. Who is the nurse she likes best?
(a) Martha.
(b) Mary.
(c) Marcy.
(d) Megan.

12. When her mother is asked about the wigs that Lucy does not want to wear, how does she respond?
(a) Lucy refuses to wear them.
(b) They are ugly.
(c) The wigs do not fit.
(d) They are too expensive.

13. Into what ward is she moved?
(a) A ward for those about to go home.
(b) A ward for those who are dying.
(c) A ward with a group of anorexic teenage girls.
(d) A ward with other children with cancer.

14. What do Lucy and this boy do around the hospital?
(a) Make friends with the doctors.
(b) Get into mischief.
(c) Help out the nursing staff.
(d) Visit other sick children.

15. When the insurance from her father's new job begins, why is she relieved?
(a) It means no more doctor's visits and rides in the ambulance.
(b) It means no more in-home nursing care or storing drugs at home.
(c) It means no more rides in the ambulance or storing drugs at home.
(d) It means no more hospital stays or visits to the local clinic.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lucy learn, as a teenager, that there's a five percent survival rate for victims of Ewing's sarcoma, the disease Lucy battled?

2. What is an ordeal for Lucy?

3. About whom does Lucy feel especially guilty?

4. How does Lucy's test go?

5. What happens during the ride home?

(see the answer keys)

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