Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sara Nomberg-Przuytyk
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sara Nomberg-Przuytyk
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Stutthof opened?
(a) 1935.
(b) 1936.
(c) 1934.
(d) 1939.

2. How many people does Sara say had been killed by the end of the summer?
(a) 10,000.
(b) 20,000.
(c) 2,000.
(d) 200,000.

3. Who does Sara say singled the midgets and their family out?
(a) Dr. Mengele.
(b) Instrum.
(c) Dr. Koenig.
(d) Orli.

4. When were the woman in Sara's block told that they would be taken away from Stutthof?
(a) October.
(b) September.
(c) New Years Eve.
(d) Christmas.

5. What did Natasha pretend to be in Chapter 24?
(a) German.
(b) Death.
(c) Blind.
(d) Insane so she could insult Germans.

6. What did Mengele do with the little boy in the fall of 1944?
(a) Freed him.
(b) Killed him with a bullet.
(c) Fed him to the SS dogs.
(d) Pushed him in the gas chamber.

7. Where were the midget families Sara talks about in Chapter 23?
(a) The entrance of the camp.
(b) The circus.
(c) The infirmary.
(d) The death block.

8. What does Sara say was working frantically in Chapter 19?
(a) The bombers.
(b) The German anti-air weapons around the camp.
(c) The doctors.
(d) The death factory.

9. What did Orli Reichert do for Masha in 1943?
(a) Got her a job.
(b) Gave her water.
(c) Saved her life.
(d) Gave her some bread.

10. Where did the midget family come from?
(a) A circus in Budapest.
(b) Sara does not say.
(c) An asylum in Krakow.
(d) A circus in Berlin.

11. What was Sara impressed by in Orli Reichert?
(a) Her sense of humor.
(b) Her individualism.
(c) Her beauty.
(d) Her strength.

12. What does Sara say Mengele did during the summer with the little Gypsy boy?
(a) Experimented on him.
(b) Allowed him to leave.
(c) Paraded him around.
(d) Killed him.

13. What was Karola's job in Auschwitz?
(a) Block elder.
(b) Clerk.
(c) Guard.
(d) Nurse.

14. How did the bread thief justify her crime?
(a) She said she was forced to do it.
(b) She said she needed it for her child.
(c) She said Sara's block would be going to the gas chamber.
(d) She said Sara was fat anyway.

15. What did Sara say people in Auschwitz were drawn into in Chapter 18?
(a) Despair.
(b) A criminal and amoral logic.
(c) Suicidal thoughts.
(d) Madness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Sara say was terrible in her block?

2. What did the women on Sara's block receive on their trip?

3. What did Sara say Cyla did to other prisoners?

4. When did Sonia arrive in Auschwitz?

5. Why did the Jews let themselves be rounded up and taken away according to Sara?

(see the answer keys)

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