Aura Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aura Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Felipe touch when he reaches out for the old woman’s hand?
(a) The bedclothes.
(b) A rabbit.
(c) The bedpost.
(d) Something sharp and cold.

2. How many places are set at the table when Felipe has supper in Chapter 2?
(a) One.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

3. What is on the second serving platter Aura uncovers at Felipe’s first supper at the house?
(a) Beans and rice.
(b) Pasta.
(c) Liver and onions.
(d) Broiled tomatoes.

4. What is the number of the house Felipe is looking for to apply for the job?
(a) 608.
(b) 626.
(c) 815.
(d) 871.

5. What material is Aura’s skirt made of in Chapter 2?
(a) Cotton.
(b) Taffeta.
(c) Satin.
(d) Silk.

6. What is on the first serving platter Aura uncovers at Felipe’s first supper at the house?
(a) Beans and rice.
(b) Liver and onions.
(c) Broiled tomatoes.
(d) Pasta.

7. What does the old woman tell Felipe she is grateful for at the beginning of Chapter 2?
(a) His professionalism.
(b) His agreeability.
(c) His patience.
(d) His kindness.

8. What is the rabbit’s name?
(a) Aura.
(b) Embre.
(c) Seeley.
(d) Saga.

9. What color ribbon ties the first bundle of manuscripts the old woman gives Felipe in Chapter 2?
(a) Blue.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Silver.
(d) Green.

10. Who is the author of Aura?
(a) Wendy Hoagland.
(b) Aldous Huxley.
(c) Carlos Fuentes.
(d) Pablo Neruda.

11. What does the woman tell Aura about Felipe at the end of Chapter 1?
(a) He is to be treated as a guest.
(b) He is their hope.
(c) He is going to live with them.
(d) He is the one they have been waiting for.

12. How does Felipe have to learn to get around the house, according to Chapter 2?
(a) As quietly as possible.
(b) By sound.
(c) By smell.
(d) By touch.

13. What is on the old woman’s cheeks when Felipe helps her back into bed in Chapter 2?
(a) Scratches.
(b) Ashes.
(c) An oily liquid.
(d) Tears.

14. According to Aura in Chapter 2, who has gone for Felipe’s belongings?
(a) A servant.
(b) The old woman.
(c) The butler.
(d) A local errand boy.

15. What color is the ribbon attached to the chest key the old woman gives Felipe in Chapter 2?
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) White.
(d) Purple.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes the old woman to collapse while she is kneeling in Chapter 2?

2. What is Felipe’s monthly salary as a part-time teacher, according to Chapter 1?

3. What military rank did the old woman’s husband hold?

4. What shape is the mirror in Felipe’s bathroom?

5. What language does the advertisement request the applicant speaks?

(see the answer keys)

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