Au Bonheur Des Dames = the Ladies' Delight Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Au Bonheur Des Dames = the Ladies' Delight Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the most charming salesperson in the silk department?
(a) Hutin.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Henry.
(d) Hassad.

2. What does Denise do after her dismissal from Au Bonheur des Dames?
(a) Sets fire to the store.
(b) Walks around the city in a daze.
(c) Throws a rock through the store window.
(d) Files a wrongful termination lawsuit.

3. Robineau mentions an opening in the ____________ department at Au Bonheur des Dames.
(a) ladies wear.
(b) millinery.
(c) men's suits
(d) ladies shoes.

4. On what do Gaujean and Robineau plan to challenge Au Bonheur des Dames?
(a) A vintage champagne.
(b) A black silk.
(c) Rare truffles.
(d) Millinery styles.

5. It is important to Denise that ____________ knows the truth about what really happened in the basement.
(a) Mouret.
(b) Deloche.
(c) Jouve.
(d) Bourdain.

6. What are symbols of Au Bonheur des Dame's new ways of doing retail business in Paris?
(a) The charge cards.
(b) The silk displays.
(c) The newspaper ads.
(d) The vans.

7. Which of the following does NOT describe Au Bonheur des Dames?
(a) Gothic.
(b) Lively.
(c) Bright.
(d) Busy.

8. Who is Paul Vallagnosc?
(a) Mouret's financial adviser.
(b) Mouret's brother-in-law.
(c) A school friend of Mouret's.
(d) Mouret's concierge.

9. Who is the dressmaker being discussed by all the ladies?
(a) Sauvage.
(b) Dior.
(c) Chanel.
(d) Sauveur.

10. Which of the following is NOT imagery presented in this chapter?
(a) Puffy clouds.
(b) Floods.
(c) Storms.
(d) Battleground.

11. In what department does Pauline work?
(a) Lingerie.
(b) Ladies wear.
(c) Wine.
(d) Millinery.

12. What happens when Denise pushes Jouve away from her?
(a) He hits his head on a railing.
(b) He slaps her.
(c) He falls down.
(d) Wine splatters on his tie.

13. Why does Bourdoncle have Denise fired?
(a) For being with a man in the basement.
(b) For stealing clothes.
(c) For coming in late too much.
(d) For insulting a customer.

14. Where does Denise wait to apply for a job?
(a) At the library.
(b) At a coffee shop.
(c) In front of Au Bonheur des Dames.
(d) At a bistro.

15. Who are the other tenants living in the house with Denise?
(a) Ex-criminals.
(b) Orphans.
(c) Drug dealers.
(d) Prostitutes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Madame Desforges hosting at the beginning of Chapter 3?

2. What position does Albert's father, Lhomme, have at the store?

3. Who is the buyer in the ladies' wear department?

4. How long has Denise been working at the store at the beginning of Chapter 5?

5. Which silk department employee wants Robineau's job?

(see the answer keys)

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