Atonement Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atonement Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Briony certain will benefit her writing, even if it means hurting others and invading their privacy?

2. Who treats the inspectors in a condescending manner?

3. Who is glaring at Robbie as the dinner meal is beginning?

4. What are each of the twins holding as they are crying, perhaps a symbol of their broken family?

5. What are moths actually looking for, instead of the light, according to Emily's recollection of her education?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Leon have to say about England in hot weather?

2. What is hanging high up in a tree above the three stragglers from the retreating British army?

3. Who are the three stragglers that are moving toward a bombed out house as they attempt to find a shortcut to the sea?

4. Why is Betty furious with Emily?

5. What has happened to Lola, according to Briony?

6. What does Robbie have to say about the letter that he wrote to Cecilia?

7. How does Cecilia react to Robbie's apology to her about the note?

8. What does Briony picture has happened to the twins?

9. What does Briony think Cecilia is telling Leon when Briony sees them walking together a distance away?

10. What is Cecilia doing in response to the attack?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Violence also plays a major role in this story, causing characters to be misconstrued and causing characters to create their own explanations.

Part 1: Describe the scene between Robbie and Cecilia which is seen as violence in Briony's eyes.

Part 2: Why do you think Briony mistook this scene for violence?

Part 3: What does the assumption of violence or negative actions (as in when Lola agrees with Briony's assessment of the letter) say about these characters? Why are they so sensitive to the possibility of violence?

Essay Topic 2

The library scene between Robbie and Cecilia is one that can shock readers, while also causing them to learn more about these two characters and their feelings for each other.

Part 1: Why do you think this scene was narrated by Robbie instead of Cecilia?

Part 2: How did you feel about Robbie before the scene? After the scene?

Part 3: How does this scene show the true feelings between these two characters?

Essay Topic 3

Lola is the sister that does not necessarily seem that important to the story at first, but her role develops as the pages turn.

Part 1: Describe the character of Lola. What are some of the characteristics that set her apart from the others?

Part 2: What happens to Lola in the pivotal scene of violence?

Part 3: Why do you think Lola goes along with Briony's lie? Why does she not refute it?

(see the answer keys)

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