Atonement Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atonement Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Briony behead in the context of the story she is hastily crafting?
(a) Emily
(b) Lola
(c) Cecilia
(d) Ronnie

2. In what building of the Tallis estate does Robbie sit in a bathtub to soak?
(a) The sitting room
(b) A bunglaow
(c) The guest room
(d) The garden shed

3. Who refuses to be convinced they will be going home soon?
(a) Pierrot
(b) Jackson
(c) Lola
(d) Jack

4. Where does Robbie want to go, with the help of the money of Jack Tallis?
(a) Europe
(b) Engineering classes
(c) Medical school
(d) Live a carefree life

5. What is Briony angrily slashing as she constructs a new story for the arrival of her brother?
(a) Willows
(b) The grass
(c) The birch tree
(d) Nettles

6. Who does Cecilia want to avoid in the kitchen, causing her to have to go to the fountain for water?
(a) Briony
(b) Emily
(c) Betty
(d) Lola

7. Who does Emily count on to care for the guests when they arrive, which calms Emily and allows her to sleep?
(a) Cecilia
(b) Briony
(c) Lola
(d) Betty

8. What has fallen into disrepair, which is a shame as it is an architectural point of interest?
(a) The house itself
(b) The fountain
(c) Island temple
(d) The gazebo

9. How old are the twins, Jackson and Pierrot?
(a) 12
(b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 11

10. Who was a war hero whose funeral Cecilia barely remembers?
(a) Jack
(b) Marshall
(c) Clem
(d) Leon

11. What is it that Cecilia feels satisfied that is undetectable?
(a) The stain on her dress
(b) The repairs to the vase
(c) Her true feelings about Robbie
(d) The threats she's made to Robbie

12. When Briony's fantasy fades, the difficult _________ occurs.
(a) Coming back
(b) Honesty
(c) Grounding
(d) Reality

13. Who is the friend of Cecilia's brother that is coming to visit?
(a) Jack Tallis
(b) Roger Darthmouth
(c) Leon
(d) Paul Marshall

14. About what subject is the book from the library that Robbie borrowed days before?
(a) Anatomy
(b) Gardening
(c) Versailles
(d) Fountains

15. What does Emily want to turn the roast into for Leon's arrival?
(a) Cold cuts
(b) A soup
(c) A gravied meat dish
(d) A casserole

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Briony sacrifice in her story, declaring them to be incompetent actors?

2. Who does Cecilia think has his eye on Lola, as she has observed from his behavior around Lola?

3. What has Leon seen Briony doing by the lake?

4. What kind of business does the answer to #54 own?

5. How many strokes of nettles does it take for Briony to be free of her show-off years and reliance on her mother's good opinion?

(see the answer keys)

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