Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What will be the only way Dagny can return to the valley?
(a) She can return only if Hank decides to come with her.
(b) John Galt, her last key before the door closes forever.
(c) James Taggart will have to be eliminated.
(d) She will have to crash her plane again.

2. Where does Hank finally meet up with Danneskjtzld?
(a) On his walk at night.
(b) At his apartment in the city.
(c) In Dagny's cabin.
(d) In the ruins of Rearden Metal.

3. How is the secret of their location kept from the outside world?
(a) A sonic distrubance
(b) It is actually underground
(c) An artificial storm cloud
(d) A refractor ray

4. What news was in the letter the doorman had held for Dagny for a week?
(a) Quentin Daniels could no longer work on the motor.
(b) Quentin Daniels was moving to Colorado.
(c) Quentin Daniels had finally built a working model of her motor.
(d) Quentin Daniels had disappeared.

5. How does Rand use the history of Twentieth Century Motors to define communism?
(a) Plants under government controll never fail.
(b) When everyone had everything in common, the plant flourished.
(c) When all motivation was taken away, no one wanted to work.
(d) When capitalism ceases to be, everyone is happier.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dagny deal with the failure of communications on the Taggart Transcontinental when copper wire breaks and cannot be quickly replaced?

2. What is the contrast between Dagny's response to the socialistic society and Cherryl's?

3. What is Rand's symbol of the ultimate destruction of socialism?

4. After Rearden is knocked unconscious and comes to, who does he discover were helping to fight off the siege?

5. At the end of the novel, what is Eddie Willers left with?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the implication of Project X as it relates to the communist society that builds it.

2. Eddie Willers is left alone with the last train broken down in the desert. How does Rand portray the result of the communist rule?

3. How does Dr. Ferris get Hank Rearden to sign over Rearden Metal to the government?

4. As the world economy crumbles, describe the condition of Hank's family.

5. When does Dagny finally take the oath of the followers of John Galt?

6. What dramatic change takes place in the character of Cherryl Taggart? Explain.

7. Describe the first meeting between Hank Rearden and Ragnar Danneskjtzld.

8. Discuss the fact that Dagny refuses to take money from John Galt unless she works for it.

9. After her plane crash, Dagny wakes up in the valley that Rand compares to Atlantis, a lost continent. What does she then realize?

10. What happens when Washington politician Kip Chalmers insists that the stalled Comet go on through a dangerous tunnel because he has a speaking appointment in San Francisco.

(see the answer keys)

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