Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ultimately, what is the only light remaining on the earth outside of Atlantis?
(a) Wyatt's Torch
(b) A lighthouse beacon.
(c) The light of the east bound Comet.
(d) The lights of New York City.

2. Why does Lillian come to see James Taggart?
(a) She thinks he is a handsome, desirable man.
(b) Lillian wants to find out more dirt on Dagny.
(c) She thinks he is powerful enough to stop Hank from divorcing her.
(d) Lillian wants to get rid of Cherryl because she is so common.

3. Why does Cherryl go to visit Dagny?
(a) To accuse her of destroying James.
(b) To ask if she can stay there for the night.
(c) To apologize for what she said on her wedding day.
(d) To borrow money so she can leave James.

4. How does Dagny deal with the failure of communications on the Taggart Transcontinental when copper wire breaks and cannot be quickly replaced?
(a) She turns the problem over to Cuffy Meigs.
(b) She goes to James to find out what to do.
(c) She reverts to manual switching and lantern signals.
(d) She stops all trains until the lines can be repaired.

5. In being true to herself, Dagny still does not get what Francisco has been trying to tell her. What analogy does Francisco make that Dagny misses?
(a) He compares Dagny to the Unification Board.
(b) He suggests that the faceless men will take over.
(c) He compares her now to the time she waited outside Dannager's office.
(d) He says everyone must travel the same road to Atlantis.

6. How does Rand make it clear that Eddie's mysterious cafeteria friend is the illusive John Galt?
(a) He never has to ask.
(b) Eddie comes right out and asks him.
(c) The cigarette butts with the $ sign in the ashtray.
(d) He admits it to Eddie but swears him to secrecy.

7. while John Galt is being held in a plush hotel suite, what is happening in the country?
(a) More businesses are closing and more great minds are disappearing.
(b) The people who had disappeared return to help Galt.
(c) The people in Atlantis decide to assassinate Galt before he tells everything.
(d) Everything comes to a standstill while they wait for Galt's economic plan.

8. Where does Hank finally meet up with Danneskjtzld?
(a) In Dagny's cabin.
(b) On his walk at night.
(c) At his apartment in the city.
(d) In the ruins of Rearden Metal.

9. What is the coincidence of Dagny stopping the conductor from throwing a vagrant off the train she is taking to see Quentin Daniels?
(a) He knew how to operate a train.
(b) The man, Jeff Allen, once worked at Twentieth Century Motors.
(c) He turned out to be John Galt.
(d) He could finish the work Quentin Daniels had started.

10. Why does James Taggart insist that Rearden will always produce, even if he doesn't like the conditions?
(a) Because he will want to keep on helping Dagny.
(b) Because he would be bored if he did nothing.
(c) Because he always caves in.
(d) Because producing is in his blood.

11. The Unification Board is now in complete control and more regulations are passed. What is the result?
(a) More businesses and executives disapear.
(b) The government refuses to nationalize businesses to save jobs.
(c) People now have more money to spend.
(d) Production on everything increases.

12. How much will it cost Dagny to repair her airplane?
(a) $10,000.00 in US dollars
(b) Nothing, they do everything there for free
(c) $200.00 in gold
(d) The plane cannot be repaired

13. What is happening to trains everywhere in the nation?
(a) They are abandoned and the crews vanish.
(b) They run out of coal.
(c) They all derail.
(d) They stop running because of fear after the tunnel wreck.

14. What crisis brings Rearden before the Unification Board?
(a) A plan to return Rearden Metal to Hank.
(b) Rearden's refusal to make steel.
(c) The steel workers strike demanding higher wages.
(d) The need for Rearden Metal to decrease its production.

15. What becomes of James Taggart?
(a) He realizes that he has been wrong all of his life.
(b) He gets sick and runs out of the room.
(c) He has a chage of heart and rushes to release Galt.
(d) He is reduced to base hate and eventually collapses and dies.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the east bound Comet stalls in the desert, how are the passengers taken away?

2. Who is playing the piano at John Galt's house?

3. What is Hank's reaction when he discovers Francisco in Dagny's apartment?

4. Why are there only half enough freight cars to ship the Minnesota wheat crop to the East coast?

5. When Dagny is held up by the stopped train, how does she continue her way to Colorado?

(see the answer keys)

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