Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Easy

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dagny now realize about Francisco?
(a) That he lost his bets on industrialization.
(b) That he was the first industrialist to quit.
(c) That he is John Galt.
(d) That he never liked running the copper mines.

2. Why does James Taggart insist that Rearden will always produce, even if he doesn't like the conditions?
(a) Because producing is in his blood.
(b) Because he will want to keep on helping Dagny.
(c) Because he always caves in.
(d) Because he would be bored if he did nothing.

3. What news was in the letter the doorman had held for Dagny for a week?
(a) Quentin Daniels had disappeared.
(b) Quentin Daniels could no longer work on the motor.
(c) Quentin Daniels had finally built a working model of her motor.
(d) Quentin Daniels was moving to Colorado.

4. When Kellogg gives Dagny a cigarette marked with the $ sign, why does he give her an entire pack of the cigarettes?
(a) Because he says she's earned it.
(b) Because she thinks they are very pretty.
(c) Because she doesn't ask him anything about the cigarettes.
(d) Because she forgot her cigarettes in New York.

5. What, according to Rand, is worse than taking someone's life?
(a) Refusing to help the poor.
(b) Taking someone's life's work.
(c) Having an affair with a married person.
(d) Working only for the joy of creation and invention.

6. What is happening to trains everywhere in the nation?
(a) They are abandoned and the crews vanish.
(b) They stop running because of fear after the tunnel wreck.
(c) They all derail.
(d) They run out of coal.

7. At the end of the novel, what is Eddie Willers left with?
(a) He is now the President of Taggart Transcontinental.
(b) He has only Dagny's gold cigarette case.
(c) He is left with the responsibility to chronicle everything that has happened.
(d) He has lost everyting including his hope of marrying Dagny.

8. After Rearden is knocked unconscious and comes to, who does he discover were helping to fight off the siege?
(a) Phillip Rearden and Orren boyle
(b) John Galt and Ragnar Danneskjtzld
(c) Jim Taggart and Wesley Mouch
(d) Frank Adams and Francisco d'Anconia

9. What does the Head of State Thompson want from Galt?
(a) He wants Galt to leave thecountry and never return.
(b) He wants Galt to be his Vice-President.
(c) He wants Galt to tell him how to fix the economy.
(d) He wants Galt to give the government his radio technology.

10. How is Project X, a weapon of mass murder, define Rand's view of communism?
(a) It shows that absolute power is good for the people in general.
(b) It shows how powerful communism is and there is no way to defeat it.
(c) It takes away material things and destroys the world that capitalism has built.
(d) It defines the limits of a Cold War.

11. What becomes of James Taggart?
(a) He realizes that he has been wrong all of his life.
(b) He is reduced to base hate and eventually collapses and dies.
(c) He has a chage of heart and rushes to release Galt.
(d) He gets sick and runs out of the room.

12. The communistic government wanted people to sacrifice their minds and products for the good of society. How is John Galt more honorable?
(a) He does not believe sacrifice is necessary.
(b) He believes the disappearing executives are wrong.
(c) He thinks if people are allowed to create, they don't care about money.
(d) Galt is willing to sacrifice his life for the good of society.

13. What crisis brings Rearden before the Unification Board?
(a) Rearden's refusal to make steel.
(b) The steel workers strike demanding higher wages.
(c) The need for Rearden Metal to decrease its production.
(d) A plan to return Rearden Metal to Hank.

14. How does Rand use the history of Twentieth Century Motors to define communism?
(a) When everyone had everything in common, the plant flourished.
(b) When capitalism ceases to be, everyone is happier.
(c) Plants under government controll never fail.
(d) When all motivation was taken away, no one wanted to work.

15. What is the obvious symbolism of the Project X machine that is so destructive.
(a) The need for greater and greater weapons.
(b) The power of industrialists to destroy the world.
(c) The noise of a rock concert.
(d) The atomic bomb.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much will it cost Dagny to repair her airplane?

2. After Francisco leaves her apartment, what does Dagny finally admit to Rearden?

3. Who does Dagny discover is working for her as a common laborer?

4. What is Rand's symbol of the ultimate destruction of socialism?

5. when Dagny comes to after her plane crashes in the Colorado mountains, who is the first person she sees?

(see the answer keys)

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