Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Easy

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has happened to Dagny during the time that John Galt was recaptured and taken away?
(a) She decides to join the others at Atlantis.
(b) She gets a gun and goes looking for Eddie Willers.
(c) She jumps to her death out of her apartment window.
(d) She offers to tell everything she knows in exchange for John's life.

2. Hank realizes that their affair is over. What ended it?
(a) Dagny is infatuated with Ragnar Danneskjtzld.
(b) Dagny has fallen in love with John Galt.
(c) Dagny wants to return to Francisco now that she understands him.
(d) Dagny can no longer let Hank cheat on Lillian.

3. When Kellogg gives Dagny a cigarette marked with the $ sign, why does he give her an entire pack of the cigarettes?
(a) Because she doesn't ask him anything about the cigarettes.
(b) Because he says she's earned it.
(c) Because she forgot her cigarettes in New York.
(d) Because she thinks they are very pretty.

4. The communistic government wanted people to sacrifice their minds and products for the good of society. How is John Galt more honorable?
(a) Galt is willing to sacrifice his life for the good of society.
(b) He thinks if people are allowed to create, they don't care about money.
(c) He believes the disappearing executives are wrong.
(d) He does not believe sacrifice is necessary.

5. What promise does Dagny make before she returns to the outside world?
(a) She will destroy the railroad before she returns.
(b) She will not reveal anything about it or try to find it again.
(c) She will bring back Hank when she returns.
(d) She will return within one month.

6. When Dagny is held up by the stopped train, how does she continue her way to Colorado?
(a) She buys a car and drives the rest of the way.
(b) She buys a plane and flies there.
(c) She calls Hank to come take her the rest of the way.
(d) She hitchhikes to Colorado.

7. How did Hank know that their affair was over before Dagny told him.
(a) During the radio show she had only used past tense.
(b) He heard something different in her voice on the radio.
(c) John Galt came and told him.
(d) Francisco sent him a telegram.

8. In being true to herself, Dagny still does not get what Francisco has been trying to tell her. What analogy does Francisco make that Dagny misses?
(a) He compares her now to the time she waited outside Dannager's office.
(b) He says everyone must travel the same road to Atlantis.
(c) He compares Dagny to the Unification Board.
(d) He suggests that the faceless men will take over.

9. What does Hank find when he returns to Rearden Metal plant?
(a) Phillip is there trying to run the company.
(b) All is quite.
(c) It is in a stage of siege.
(d) The Wet Nurse is there waiting for him.

10. How does John Galt mock the government men when the power goes out at the State Science Institute while he is still strapped to Project F?
(a) He starts telling the technician how to repair the generator.
(b) He reminds them that he is still alive.
(c) He loosens his straps and stands up.
(d) He starts telling bad jokes.

11. while John Galt is being held in a plush hotel suite, what is happening in the country?
(a) The people who had disappeared return to help Galt.
(b) The people in Atlantis decide to assassinate Galt before he tells everything.
(c) More businesses are closing and more great minds are disappearing.
(d) Everything comes to a standstill while they wait for Galt's economic plan.

12. What literary device does Rand use to show the end of Eddie's dream of one day marrying Dagny.
(a) The metaphor of darkness falling over the city.
(b) The metaphor of watching as her train leaves in the darkness.
(c) The metaphor of putting out his cigarette.
(d) The metaphor of her door closing behind her.

13. The Unification Board is now in complete control and more regulations are passed. What is the result?
(a) People now have more money to spend.
(b) More businesses and executives disapear.
(c) Production on everything increases.
(d) The government refuses to nationalize businesses to save jobs.

14. How much will it cost Dagny to repair her airplane?
(a) $200.00 in gold
(b) Nothing, they do everything there for free
(c) The plane cannot be repaired
(d) $10,000.00 in US dollars

15. How is Project X, a weapon of mass murder, define Rand's view of communism?
(a) It takes away material things and destroys the world that capitalism has built.
(b) It defines the limits of a Cold War.
(c) It shows how powerful communism is and there is no way to defeat it.
(d) It shows that absolute power is good for the people in general.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the east bound Comet stalls in the desert, how are the passengers taken away?

2. Why does James Taggart insist that Rearden will always produce, even if he doesn't like the conditions?

3. At the end of the novel, what is Eddie Willers left with?

4. How is the secret of their location kept from the outside world?

5. Who does Dagny discover is working for her as a common laborer?

(see the answer keys)

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