Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rand uses the failure of Twentieth Century Motors to make what point about socialism?
(a) It is only fair that everyone make the same salary.
(b) The socialist system allows the greatest minds to get ahead.
(c) Production increases when everyone shares in the work.
(d) The socialist system only takes from those with ability and gives to others who are less deserving.

2. Why are the guests at the party so eager to discuss the capture of Ragnar Danneskjtzld?
(a) Because he is a supporter of the Equalization of Opportunity Bill
(b) Because he has a strange name that they don't trust.
(c) Because he is the only one who can save socialism.
(d) Because he is a pirate who seizes relief supplies intended for communist societies.

3. Why does Phillip want cash instead of a check for Rearden's contribution to Friends of Global Progress?
(a) He doesn't want them to know that the money came from his capitalist brother.
(b) He thinks Rearden's check is no good.
(c) He wants to pocket half of the cash.
(d) Friends for Global Progress does not accept checks.

4. Why do Hank and Dagny try to find the old Twentieth Century Motor company?
(a) The are looking for usable parts for diesel engines.
(b) They are looking for a new car.
(c) They are looking for new headquarters for Rearden Metal.
(d) They are looking for scrap iron.

5. When the Taggart board and the Washington influence peddlers meet, what is the irony of their meeting place?
(a) It gives complete control of Taggart Transcontinental to the government.
(b) It is unheated because of the coal shortages.
(c) It is held in the terminal beneath the statue of Nathaniel Taggart.
(d) It is in Dagny's office.

6. What is the purpose of the party Lillian plans to give in three months?
(a) A celebration of Rearden metal.
(b) A fund raiser for underprivileged children.
(c) Their wedding anniversary.
(d) Their social obligation to Dagny Taggart.

7. How does Rand let the reader know that there is a connection between Francisco and Danneskjtzld?
(a) Francisco offers to introduce Rearden to Danneskjtzld.
(b) Francisco tells Rearden that Danneskjtzld is coming to the city.
(c) Francisco does not react when Rearden mentions Danneskjtzld's name.
(d) Francisco's horror when he learns that Rearden ordered d'Anconia copper.

8. At the party, James Taggart demands that Francisco explain why the San Sebastian mines are worthless. What is Francisco's ironic reply?
(a) He says the mines are not worthless bacuse they contain silver.
(b) He says he gave them the wrong location because he knew what they would do.
(c) He says he gave them the mines to do with as they pleased.
(d) He says he wanted to contribute to the Mexican economy.

9. What does Rand mean by the title, "White Blackmail"?
(a) A way of manipulating people by passing aws and regulations that the influence peddlers want broken.
(b) Little white lies to get around the laws.
(c) A way of getting people to obey the laws and cooperate with the government.
(d) Not really blackmail at all.

10. What sarcastic comment does Dagny make to James Taggart and Wesley Mouch?
(a) You tell me how to run a train on bad rails.
(b) Which one of you is planning to rob a bank?
(c) What's the point in running a business if there is no profit?
(d) Got what you've been asking for, all these years, gentlemen?

11. What news does James Taggart receive that Dagny had predicted?
(a) The Mexican line is out of coal and must burn wood to run the trains.
(b) Rearden refusus to supply metal for any railroad rails.
(c) The US government is nationalizing all industry.
(d) The Mexican Government has nationalized the San Sebastian Mine and the Taggart railroad line

12. What is Owen Kellogg's reply to Dagny when she asks him why he is resigning from Taggert Railway?
(a) I'm going into business for myself.
(b) Railroads are a thing of the past.
(c) Who is John Galt?
(d) You can't pay me what I'm worth.

13. What is the symbolism of Francisco lying on the floor with his arms spread out to his sides?
(a) His dream of flying.
(b) Sacrifice for what he believes in.
(c) His confused state of mind.
(d) Making his pain go away.

14. How does Bertram Scudder, editor of "The Future" magazine, characterize Hank Rearden?
(a) As a shark.
(b) As an octopus.
(c) As an alligator.
(d) As a great philanthropist.

15. What is the irony of the State Science Institute's demand for 10,000 tons of Rearden Metal?
(a) It was trying to restart the economy by keeping Rearden in business.
(b) It showed that the Institute had always supported Rearden.
(c) It had once tried to discredit Rearden Metal.
(d) It needed the metal because it had effectively cut off steel production.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the image Francisco d'Anconia has in the public eye?

2. How does Rand show James Taggart's opportunism after the success of the John Galt Line?

3. What was Francisco's nickname for Dagny when they were children?

4. When Dagny stops at a newsstand buy cigarettes, what is the last thing the vendor says to her?

5. Why can Dagny not learn the name of the third student at Patrick Henry University according to Dr. Akston?

(see the answer keys)

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