Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Atlas Shrugged Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dannager refuse to say "Good-bye" to Dagny?
(a) Because she has no idea that he is leaving.
(b) Because he doesn't want her to know his plans.
(c) Because she will join him where he is going one day.
(d) Because he is glad to be getting away from her.

2. Dr. Stadler talks about having known John Galt who he believes is dead. What is his recollection of Galt?
(a) Galt had the most brilliant mind he had ever encountered.
(b) Galt was the brains behind the revolutionary motor.
(c) Galt was an insurrectionist and trouble maker.
(d) Galt was an early leader of the communist movement.

3. How does Rand use the marriage of James and Cherryl to make her point against social philosophy?
(a) It is an improbable love story.
(b) Like communism, it is a sham based on lies and deception.
(c) It shows that poor people do not lack social graces.
(d) It shows that the rich and the poor are really equal.

4. Atlas is the Greek god who holds the world on his shoulders. In the novel, who is "Atlas"?
(a) Billionaires like Francisco d'Anconia.
(b) Industrialists like Dagny and Rearden
(c) The National Alliance of Railroads
(d) The common people.

5. What strange exchange occurs between Dagny and Lillian at he party?
(a) They exchange the names of their dress designers.
(b) They exchange bracelets, the Rearden Metal bracelet for Dagny's diamond bracelet.
(c) They exchange drinks bacuse Dagny doesn't drink alcohol.
(d) They exchange phone numbers so they can meet in New York.

6. How does the government plan to conserve copper and electricity?
(a) Recalling all the copper shipped before d'Anconia ships were sunk.
(b) Using zinc and wind power.
(c) Limiting elevators from going higher than the 25th floor of a building.
(d) Melting down pennies and ordering blackouts.

7. Why is James Taggart marrying Cherryl Brooks, the dime store clerk?
(a) To make an honest woman out of her because he got her pregnant
(b) To prove that communism will not work
(c) To show that he helps the underpriviliged
(d) To find real happiness

8. At home and in despair, what music is Dagny listening to when she puts down her head and cries?
(a) Tchaikovski's Symphony Pathetique
(b) Halley's Fourth Concerto
(c) Cry Me a River
(d) Halley's opera,

9. Who is planning to build diesel engines for Taggart Transcontinental?
(a) Dwight Sanders
(b) Henry Rearden
(c) Eddie Willers
(d) Francisco d'Anconia

10. How does Dr. Ferris explain to Rearden the many laws that are being passed by the State?
(a) There is no other way to rule men than to pass laws that cannot be observed, enforced or interpreted
(b) He says the lawmakers do not really know what they are doing.
(c) He says that laws that don't work will eventually be repealed.
(d) He says that Rearden just doesn't understand what the laws are saying.

11. What does Phillip want to leave Henry's house?
(a) Controlling interest in Rearden Metal stock.
(b) A new car.
(c) Money to start a business.
(d) Paid up tuition to Harvard.

12. When Dagny demands that Francisco tell her why Ellis Wyatt will be wiped out in Colorado, why does he refuse to tell her?
(a) He says she is not ready to hear the answer.
(b) He says he wants to take over the oil industry.
(c) He says only John Galt knows for sure.
(d) He says she already knows.

13. When Hank Rearden learns that the legislature has passed the Equalization of Opportunity Bill, what does he learn from Mouch, his lobbyist in Washington?
(a) Mouch says the President will veto the bill.
(b) Nothing. Mouch is not answering his phone.
(c) Mouch tells him that the bill has no penalty written into it.
(d) Mouch offers to return the money Rearden has paid him.

14. What is the comparison Francisco makes between John Galt and Prometheus?
(a) John Galt has been eaten by vultures and is dead.
(b) John Galt invented fire.
(c) John Galt believes the total end is near for all mankind.
(d) John Galt is a Prometheus who changed his mind.

15. What does Dagny notice before leaving Dannager's office?
(a) A cigarette butt with the $ sign on it.
(b) A note signed by John Galt.
(c) A plane ticket to Europe.
(d) A pistol on Dannager's desk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the cryptic question that sets the mood of suspense in ATLAS SHRUGGED?

2. Who is the childhood friend of Jim and Dagny who now works for them?

3. When Dagny demands to be made Vice President in Charge of Operations, what reason does Jim give her for opposing the idea?

4. How does the organization, Friends of Global Progress, view Rearden Steel?

5. At the party, James Taggart demands that Francisco explain why the San Sebastian mines are worthless. What is Francisco's ironic reply?

(see the answer keys)

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