Atlas Shrugged Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atlas Shrugged Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapter 4 "Anti-Life".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is James Taggart marrying Cherryl Brooks, the dime store clerk?
(a) To make an honest woman out of her because he got her pregnant
(b) To find real happiness
(c) To prove that communism will not work
(d) To show that he helps the underpriviliged

2. What decision does Dagny make when she is nine years old?
(a) To study in Paris.
(b) To run Taggart Rail Lines.
(c) To marry Eddie Willers.
(d) To become a fashion model.

3. What does Rearden sell off after the bill banning people from owning multiple businesses is passed?
(a) Train engines and coal mines
(b) Copper mines and coal mines
(c) Copper mines and freight companies
(d) Iron mines and jewelry manufacturing

4. How does Rand make a strong argument against incompetence?
(a) The Vice President who replaced Dagny takes responsibility for the wreck.
(b) James Taggart admits he did not know what to do about Kip Chalmers.
(c) James blames Dagny for the Colorado train wreck and the man who replced her suddenly has a heart condition.
(d) Only Taggart Transcontinental remains strong while other businesses vanish.

5. How has Cherryl changed from the dime store clerk James married?
(a) She is no longer innocent but plays the part of a shop girl to fool society.
(b) Now she has risen in poise and social stature.
(c) she has learned how to get more and more money out of James.
(d) She has even less of an idea about things than she did when they married.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Owen Kellogg's reply to Dagny when she asks him why he is resigning from Taggert Railway?

2. The Unification Board is now in complete control and more regulations are passed. What is the result?

3. What was John Galt's connection to Twentieth Century Motors?

4. Where does Hank finally meet up with Danneskjtzld?

5. When Kellogg gives Dagny a cigarette marked with the $ sign, why does he give her an entire pack of the cigarettes?

(see the answer key)

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