Atlas Shrugged Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Atlas Shrugged Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Part 1, Chapter 1 "The Theme"

1. What is the cryptic question that sets the mood of suspense in ATLAS SHRUGGED?
(a) Where in the world is Dagny Taggert?
(b) What happened to New York City?
(c) Where have all the flowers gone?
(d) Who is John Galt?

2. Who is the childhood friend of Jim and Dagny who now works for them?
(a) Hank Rearden
(b) John Galt
(c) James Ellis Wyatt
(d) Eddie Willers

3. What does Dagny object to about the San Sebastian Line?
(a) That it is going to help the communist government.
(b) That the Mexican government will subsidise it.
(c) That it is using Rearden steel rails.
(d) That is was not her idea.

4. What is the "Fifth Concerto"?
(a) A composition to a dead oak tree.
(b) The theme song of the Taggart Transcontinental Railway.
(c) An undiscovered work my Mozart.
(d) A composition by Richard Halley.

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