At Night All Blood Is Black Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

David Diop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

At Night All Blood Is Black Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

David Diop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter XI, what does Jean-Baptiste become that eventually leads to his death?
(a) A unit leader.
(b) An informant.
(c) A provocateur.
(d) A cook.

2. How far away do his fellow soldiers begin staying from Alfa?
(a) Two fields' length.
(b) Nine leagues.
(c) Ten large steps.
(d) Six meters.

3. In what way does Mademba actually die?
(a) A German solder disembowels him.
(b) He is shot by one of his own infantrymen.
(c) A German soldier shoots him.
(d) A German soldier hangs him.

4. In Chapter X, what does Alfa know for sure he himself is not, even if everyone else seems to think he is?
(a) A sorcerer.
(b) A good friend.
(c) An idiot.
(d) A very strong man.

5. How does Captain Armand signal to his own men that an attack is about to begin?
(a) His hand sign.
(b) His fingers snapping.
(c) His trumpet.
(d) His whistle.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter II, what does Alfa think the trenches look like?

2. How do Alfa's fellow soldiers react when he brings his first few "trophies" back?

3. What does Captain Armand tell Alfa that he needs in Part II?

4. Why was it particularly dangerous for Alfa to do what he did with Mademba's body in Chapter II?

5. What does Alfa always come back to the trenches with after Mademba dies?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Alfa's own soldiers begin to fear and avoid him after he brings home the fourth severed hand?

2. How does Alfa always kill the German soldiers he kills after Mademba's death?

3. Why does Alfa think the mad are useful on the battlefield?

4. What changes between Alfa and the rest of the soldiers after Jean-Baptiste's death?

5. What was all Alfa could think about when he stayed with Mademba during Mademba's last hours?

6. What does Mademba ask Alfa to do as Mademba lays mortally wounded on the battlefield?

7. What does Alfa let the reader know, through his narration, about the way his best friend Mademba died?

8. What is Alfa's relationship with Jean-Baptiste?

9. What does Alfa really think about Captain Armand's praise for Black soldiers?

10. What does Alfa do as a sign of honor for Mademba immediately after Mademba's death?

(see the answer keys)

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