At Night All Blood Is Black Quiz | One Week Quiz A

David Diop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

At Night All Blood Is Black Quiz | One Week Quiz A

David Diop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV (Pages 89 - 118).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Alfa missing one of his hands?
(a) He buried one and forgot where it was buried.
(b) He gave one as an offering to his sorcerer mentor.
(c) Due to a prank from a soldier-friend, Jean-Baptiste.
(d) He lost one when he was running.

2. Who does one of the first soldiers to go out of the trench with his hands tied call out to in his last moment?
(a) Maronette.
(b) Claire.
(c) Odette.
(d) Monique.

3. What does Alfa think is necessary on the battlefield, as he narrates in Chapter VI?
(a) Prayer.
(b) Empathy.
(c) Madness.
(d) Food.

4. In Chapter V, who does Alfa confess he was listening to right around the time when Mademba dies?
(a) His mother.
(b) His God.
(c) His father.
(d) His enemy.

5. What does Alfa think about his own physical appearance?
(a) He is average-looking.
(b) He is weak and not attractive.
(c) He is strong and handsome.
(d) He is too short to be considered attractive by western standards, but he is attractive in his own village.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Alfa think is attracted to him at the Rear?

2. How far away do his fellow soldiers begin staying from Alfa?

3. What does Captain Armand wish to know the location of in Chapter VIII from Alfa?

4. Why does everyone smile at Alfa in the recuperation center?

5. What does Alfa claim he reeks of?

(see the answer key)

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