At Bertram's Hotel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

At Bertram's Hotel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Davy uses which animal as a reference when discussing the tight lipped attitude of the suspects?
(a) Felines.
(b) Monkeys.
(c) Parrots.
(d) Rabbits.

2. What is the royal title of Martinelli?
(a) Princess.
(b) Countess.
(c) Duke.
(d) Ambassadress.

3. Who is found standing outside?
(a) Lady Sedgwick.
(b) Gorman.
(c) Elvira.
(d) Humfries.

4. A question about which of the following upsets the chambermaid.
(a) Missing towels.
(b) Blood spots.
(c) Missing items.
(d) Luggage.

5. What item belongs to the person being interviewed?
(a) Room key.
(b) Poisons.
(c) Black gloves.
(d) Pistol.

Short Answer Questions

1. The interview discloses a near fatal accident with which mode of transportation?

2. Father recounts a conversation he had with which of the following?

3. What does Father connect to the crimes?

4. One of the attempts involved which of the following?

5. What did the people want to protect so that they refrained from calling the police?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss Davy's interview with Miss Marple. What information did she supply to Father?

2. What story did Elvira tell Father that is denied by Bridget? What is your opinion on why Elvira may have lied?

3. What comes out of the interview with Bertram's owners? What does Davy learn?

4. How does Davy learn about Pennyfather's disappearance? What are Davy's thoughts on the matter?

5. What prevented the couple from calling the police? Who did they call instead?

6. What piece of information would highly benefit Father and the investigation? Does Father get permission to take the next step? What information does Father discover?

7. What seems to be odd about the information received from the employees at Bertram's?

8. What does Davy learn about Pennyfather's return? What step is taken next?

9. Discuss the interview Father has with Elvira and Lady Sedgwick. Why did Elvira return to Bertram's Hotel?

10. What occurs while Father is speaking with Miss Marple in the lounge? What does Father find outside the hotel?

(see the answer keys)

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