The Assistant Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Assistant Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tries to rape Helen?
(a) Nat.
(b) A homeless man.
(c) Ward.
(d) Louis.

2. What does Ida promise to leave for Podolsky if he buys the business?
(a) A thousand dollars cash for stock.
(b) The keys.
(c) Her recipes.
(d) The furnishings for the house.

3. How does Frank spoil the funeral?
(a) He falls in the grave.
(b) He gets drunk and makes a bad joke.
(c) He tries to kiss Helen and causes a scene.
(d) He cries too loudly.

4. How many years of experience does Morris have as a counterman?
(a) Twenty-eight years.
(b) Fifteen years.
(c) Twenty-one years.
(d) Thirty years.

5. What type of disease does Schmitz have?
(a) Typhoid fever.
(b) Leukemia.
(c) A blood disease.
(d) Brain cancer.

6. What does the note that Helen slips Frank say?
(a) That she knows what he did to Morris.
(b) That she will come up to his room.
(c) That she loves him.
(d) That she cannot see him anymore.

7. What does Frank buy after being told to leave the store?
(a) A gun.
(b) A bouquet of flowers.
(c) A suitcase.
(d) A suit.

8. What does Frank think the Jews can make from their suffering?
(a) A way of life.
(b) Hope.
(c) A suit.
(d) A better future.

9. Who comes to visit Frank unexpectedly?
(a) Frank's brother.
(b) Helen.
(c) Louis.
(d) Ward.

10. According to Helen, what is 'love' when it comes from Frank's mouth?
(a) A lie.
(b) Unholy.
(c) A disease.
(d) A dirty word.

11. What does Morris look at while walking along the street?
(a) Store windows.
(b) Happy couples.
(c) Streetcars.
(d) Job ads.

12. How does the Rabbi describe Morris?
(a) Honest.
(b) Prosperous.
(c) A false Jew.
(d) Generous.

13. Who is Charlie Sobeloff?
(a) Morris' cousin.
(b) Morris' lawyer.
(c) Morris' old partner.
(d) Morris' arch enemy.

14. What is the skinny man's profession?
(a) Matcher.
(b) Con-artist.
(c) Thief.
(d) Musician.

15. What does Helen feel herself doing despite her doubts?
(a) Falling in love in Frank.
(b) Drifting apart from her parents.
(c) Moving closer to her destiny.
(d) Becoming more religious.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of Frank is crooked?

2. What happens to Morris after going outside?

3. What is Charlie wearing under his suit?

4. What does Morris spend hours dreaming of?

5. Who does Ida say Helen should marry?

(see the answer keys)

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