Assata: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assata: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Shakur working on at the beginning of Chapter 16?
(a) Medical stations.
(b) Railroad stations.
(c) Education stations.
(d) Transportation stations.

2. In Chapter 19, who was the fellow prisoner who helped Shakur better understand many issues in the white women's liberation movement?
(a) Jane Alpert.
(b) Rita Brown.
(c) Amanda Randall.
(d) Maria Davis.

3. In Chapter 18, when was Shakur acquitted of the Queens bank robbery case?
(a) January 16, 1976.
(b) January 3, 1976.
(c) January 31, 1976.
(d) January 20, 1976.

4. In Chapter 11 when Shakur was going to court for the bank robbery, how many marshalls manhandled her?
(a) 4.
(b) 5.
(c) 7.
(d) 6.

5. In Chapter 18, who came to do a speaking engagement for Shakur, but was harassed until she left the state?
(a) Sonia Sanchez.
(b) Angela Davis.
(c) Amiri Baraka.
(d) June Jordan.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Shakur was married, what was the one thing that she could cook?

2. In Chapter 11, how old was Ronald Myers?

3. When Shakur traveled after her marriage broke up in Chapter 13, what could be bought on street corners?

4. What disguise did Shakur assume one early morning in Chapter 16?

5. In Chapter 15, what did Shakur pay monthly for her apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was Lolita Lebron?

2. What was the women's section like at Manhattan Correctional Center?

3. Who was at Alcatraz in Chapter 13?

4. In Chapter 17, why did Shakur believe that the various organizations working for Black freedom should not consolidate?

5. How did Rema Olugbala die in Chapter 11?

6. What did Shakur think it meant to go underground at first?

7. What were some of Shakur's duties as a member of the medical cadre at the Black Panther Party in Chapter 15?

8. How did Shakur describe the prison where she was transferred in Chapter 19?

9. What did Shakur learn about scalping in Chapter 13?

10. What did the state do after the hearing officer ruled in Chapter 18 that Shakur's conditions of imprisonment were inhuman?

(see the answer keys)

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