Assata: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assata: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 11, how old was Ronald Myers?
(a) 16.
(b) 19.
(c) 18.
(d) 20.

2. How old was Shakur's daughter at the beginning of Chapter 20?
(a) 5.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

3. In Chapter 15, where was the Black Panther Party office?
(a) 93rd Avenue.
(b) 70th Avenue.
(c) 65th Avenue.
(d) 112th Avenue.

4. In Chapter 18, who took the legal papers from Shakur's lawyer who died?
(a) Theodore Appleby.
(b) New York Police Department.
(c) Morris County Sheriff's Department.
(d) New Jersey State Troopers.

5. When was Shakur accused of kidnapping a drug dealer for ransom?
(a) September 4, 1972.
(b) December 28, 1972.
(c) November 11, 1972.
(d) October 31, 1972.

6. In Chapter 16, when were two police machine-gunned on Riverside Drive?
(a) April 11.
(b) May 3.
(c) April 18.
(d) May 19.

7. In Chapter 12, what was Shakur's intended major at first?
(a) Business administration.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Accounting.
(d) Marketing.

8. In Chapter 19 when the MSU was closed down, where did Shakur get a job in the prison?
(a) Library crew.
(b) Kitchen crew.
(c) Cleaning crew.
(d) General mechanic's crew.

9. What were all the women on the subway wearing at the end of Chapter 16?
(a) Headwraps.
(b) Nurses shoes.
(c) Wigs.
(d) House dresses.

10. In Chapter 19, where was the maximum security prison that Shakur was sent to?
(a) Indianapolis, Indiana.
(b) Alderson, West Virginia.
(c) Pueblo, Colorado.
(d) Framingham, Massachusetts

11. In Chapter 11, how much was the reward for Shakur's arrest?
(a) $5,000.
(b) $15,000.
(c) $20,000.
(d) $10,000.

12. In Chapter 19, where was Sundiata transferred to prison?
(a) Canaan United States Penitentiary, Pennsylvania.
(b) Lompoc FCC, California.
(c) Marion Prison, Illinois.
(d) RRM Atlanta, Georgia.

13. In Chapter 18, what was the name of the lawyer who died?
(a) Benjamin Peters.
(b) Stanley Cohen.
(c) Adam Cochran.
(d) Lennox Hines.

14. What area was proposed to be a separate Black nation called the Republic of New Afrika?
(a) Virginia and West Virginia.
(b) South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
(c) Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
(d) North and South Carolina.

15. In Chapter 19, who was the fellow prisoner who helped Shakur better understand many issues in the white women's liberation movement?
(a) Maria Davis.
(b) Jane Alpert.
(c) Rita Brown.
(d) Amanda Randall.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Evelyn teach before she became Shakur's lawyer?

2. What was Shakur working on at the beginning of Chapter 16?

3. In Chapter 15, what did Shakur pay monthly for her apartment?

4. In Chapter 13, where did a doctor that Shakur worked for volunteer once a week?

5. In Chapter 18, who filed a civil suit against the state charging that Shakur's conditions in jail were cruel and inhuman?

(see the answer keys)

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