Assassin's Quest Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assassin's Quest Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who becomes the dragon that makes it a living creature?
(a) Verity and Kettle.
(b) Verity and Kettricken.
(c) Verity and Fool.
(d) Verity and Fitz.

2. On what does Fitz try to concentrate?
(a) Kettle's rhymes.
(b) Kettricken's welfare.
(c) Kettle's stone game.
(d) The Fool's stories.

3. With whom does Fitz have a long conversation about the Elderlings in Chapter 34?
(a) The Fool.
(b) Kettricken.
(c) Verity.
(d) Kettle.

4. Why would a ferret kill a man?
(a) A ferret is too small to kill a man.
(b) If his Wit bond human wanted it.
(c) For food.
(d) By accident.

5. What event pushed Verity to try to find help with the Skill?
(a) The arrival of the Red Ships.
(b) Marrying Kettricken.
(c) Needing to produce an heir.
(d) The Fool's Prophecy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Verity tell Kettle when she asks him to help her reach the Skill?

2. How are Fitz and Nighteyes as companions?

3. Why did Regal have a change of heart?

4. What does Fool believe Regal wants to do with the Elderlings?

5. Why does Nighteyes come to get Fitz when he is with Starling?

Short Essay Questions

1. What shape is Verity in and what is he doing? What is the group's response to him?

2. What happens with Queen Kettricken after Verity saves the kingdom, with the Fool and with Chade?

3. What does Fitz hear as he and Nighteyes are gathering supplies from the dead army?

4. What is different about Regal and what does he do when he arrives where Verity and Kettricken are?

5. What type of animal did the group see when they crossed some stream in their journey?

6. Who comes to visit Fitz often and what does she bring him?

7. To where does the Skill road take the group in Chapter 33 and what do they find there?

8. What does the narrator say about the progress of the Red Ships in Chapter 37 and what does Regal do about them?

9. Where does Fool follow Fitz, what does he ask and then what happens? What is Fitz's response?

10. In Chapter 34 what does the narrator say about Verity and the Skill and what he had tried to do about the Red Ships?

(see the answer keys)

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