Assassin's Quest Test | Final Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assassin's Quest Test | Final Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the person in question #160 attempting to do?
(a) Find Regal.
(b) Rob the dead.
(c) Kill Nighteyes.
(d) Reach the pillar.

2. What does Verity believe about his stone dragon?
(a) He will have to kill Kettricken to wake up his dragon.
(b) It took him too long to carve it.
(c) It was carved wrong.
(d) He can bring it to life.

3. Why does Nighteyes come to get Fitz when he is with Starling?
(a) Soldiers have found them.
(b) The others are ready to wake the dragon.
(c) He wants to hunt.
(d) He wants breakfast.

4. Who brings Fitz news?
(a) Fool.
(b) Kettle.
(c) Kettricken.
(d) Starling.

5. Of what does the narrator speak at the opening of Chapter 29?
(a) Why Fitz is stronger than Verity in the skill.
(b) How Fits inherits skilling from his grandfather.
(c) An old game played among the Mountain folk.
(d) How Fitz comes to have wit.

6. Of what do Fitz and Nighteyes dream?
(a) Traveling to the land that never ends.
(b) Finding Fool.
(c) Carving their dragon.
(d) Find the dragon that is Verity.

7. What is Dimity Keep?
(a) A small fortress which welcomes Queen Kettricken.
(b) A small fortress that has already fallen to the red ships.
(c) A keep that has only ghosts.
(d) The keep where Verity gains a map to the Elderlings.

8. What is Verity carving?
(a) A giant.
(b) A sun and moon.
(c) A stone dragon.
(d) A stone ship.

9. Of what is Starling jealous?
(a) Kettricken.
(b) Molly.
(c) Nighteyes.
(d) The time Fitz spends with the Fool.

10. What distracts Fitz find being suspicious of the exchange with Fool and the aftermath?
(a) Fitz is amused by the whole thing that he does not think there are any ulterior motives.
(b) Fitz trusts Fool so much he would never second guess the man.
(c) Fitz is concentrating too deeply on the prophesies of his own death
(d) Fitz passes out into the river.

11. Why is the band overcome with a sense of dread?
(a) They have not been able to wake the girl on the dragon.
(b) A snow storm has moved into the valley.
(c) Regal's army is on the way to kill them.
(d) The dragons emit dark energy.

12. What does Regal do with everything he has stolen?
(a) Keeps it.
(b) Returns it.
(c) Gives it to the raiders.
(d) Sells it.

13. With whom does Fitz have a long conversation about the Elderlings in Chapter 34?
(a) The Fool.
(b) Kettle.
(c) Kettricken.
(d) Verity.

14. Who does Fool go?
(a) He dies.
(b) To his childhood home.
(c) No one knows.
(d) To the dragon mount.

15. To whom does Regal vow his loyalty?
(a) Verity.
(b) Fitz's child.
(c) Kettricken's child.
(d) King Shrewd.

Short Answer Questions

1. What have people used for years as protection against others with Skill?

2. Why do Fitz and Nighteyes leave the Stone Garden?

3. What does Kettle give the Fool after the Fool is attacked by Skill?

4. What happens to Kettricken right before the dragon is awaken?

5. Who does Fitz hear as he gathers provisions from the dead army?

(see the answer keys)

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