Assassin's Quest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Assassin's Quest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin Hobb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who saves Fitz when he is attacked in his mind by someone wielding the Skill?
(a) Chade.
(b) Verity.
(c) Nighteyes.
(d) Molly.

2. Whose horse does Fitz steal to get away from Tradeford?
(a) Chade's.
(b) Galen's.
(c) Regal's.
(d) Verity's.

3. What does Kettricken want to do?
(a) Find Verity.
(b) Go to her own homeland.
(c) Go back and confront Regal.
(d) Claim Fitz's daughter as her own.

4. What does Fitz do in response to Chade's request?
(a) Run away.
(b) Try to obey him.
(c) Tell him to do it himself.
(d) Refuse and keep writing.

5. For where are the prisoners in the cage in Chapter 8 bound?
(a) The mountains to Verity.
(b) Buck Keep.
(c) Lister Keep.
(d) King's Circle.

6. Why was Kettle exiled from her home?
(a) She refuses to marry a man whom her father picked out.
(b) She kills a man who is casting glamours over the women of the town.
(c) She skill-dueled a member of her coterie long ago and killed her.
(d) She has the wit.

7. Who does Fitz dream of in the night at the end of chapter 14?
(a) Verity.
(b) His father.
(c) Molly.
(d) Regal.

8. With what kind of animal is Black Rolf bonded?
(a) A wolf.
(b) A bear.
(c) A badger.
(d) A fox.

9. What is Fitz writing at the beginning of the book?
(a) His memoir.
(b) An adventure novel.
(c) A history of the Six Duchies.
(d) A genealogy of the Kings of Buck Keep.

10. What does Nighteyes suggest?
(a) That the group veer East where another road is.
(b) That Fitz and Nighteyes go ahead through the brush and meet them in three days.
(c) That Fitz not walk on the road.
(d) That Fitz be carried.

11. Who does Kettricken find?
(a) Starling.
(b) Fitz.
(c) Verity's guard.
(d) Verity.

12. What is Queen Kettricken attempting to do in Chapter 15?
(a) Contact Verity through magic.
(b) Find her husband.
(c) Find Fitz.
(d) Contact Fitz through magic.

13. What do Fitz and Starling do?
(a) Camp near Blue Lake and decide to winter there.
(b) Go around Blue Lake onto the plains.
(c) Go across Blue Lake into the moutains.
(d) Camp in the mountains just before Blue Lake and wait there for the rest of their party.

14. To whom are Forged Ones especially attracted?
(a) People with Skill.
(b) People with Wit.
(c) Soldiers.
(d) Their spouses.

15. For what does Fitz use his earring?
(a) As payment to Nik.
(b) As payment to Regal.
(c) As surety that he is who he is.
(d) As surety for Molly's safety.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the Queen most upset with Fitz?

2. What does Fitz realize about his life?

3. Who attempts to seduce Fitz?

4. What is the concept of the ruler and sacrifice?

5. What do past images of Elderlings resemble?

(see the answer keys)

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