Ask the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ask the Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Arturo feels like "Bandini" with Camilla, he:
(a) Becomes talkative and intellectual
(b) Becomes tender and attentive
(c) Becomes aggressive and rough
(d) Becomes aloof and cold

2. What does Vera think of Arturo's writing?
(a) She has not read it
(b) It is mediocre
(c) It is brilliant
(d) It is no good

3. When Sammy goes to see Camilla, he realizes:
(a) She is hopelessly ill
(b) She is a drug addict
(c) She has fallen into alcoholism
(d) She has been physically abused

4. What is the event that ends Arturo's friendship with Hellfrick?
(a) Hellfrick does not share his meal with Arturo
(b) He can no longer stand Hellfrick borrowing money
(c) He is appalled by Hellfrick's killing a calf
(d) Hellfrick's drinking has finally become too much

5. What has changed for Arturo emotionally in this chapter?
(a) He finds what he is looking for
(b) His desire and passion for Camilla has overtaken him
(c) He is no longer afraid to take chances
(d) Rejection no longer disturbs him

6. When Arturo does something nice, he is often:
(a) Temporarily humbled
(b) Angry at himself
(c) Headed for another religious breakthrough
(d) Self-congratulatory

7. Seeing Camilla's apartment after the earthquake, Arturo:
(a) Assumes she has died
(b) Goes in and tries to find Vera
(c) Wails with regret
(d) Calls the firemen to the building

8. The escapee, Camilla, asks for money from Arturo through:
(a) Telegrams using an alias
(b) Midnight phone calls
(c) Notes slipped under his door
(d) Letters from various post offices

9. The priest Arturo sees has an objection to the passage in Arturo's story dealing with:
(a) The Liturgy
(b) The Catechism
(c) The Holy Sacrament
(d) The Rosary

10. When Arturo and Camilla go to the shooting gallery, she:
(a) Wishes Arturo would be more generous
(b) Is attracted to others at the gallery
(c) Is disgusted that Arturo cannot shoot well
(d) Is unhappy with her own performance

11. In this chapter, Arturo may have realized that:
(a) It is much better living farther away from Hellfrick
(b) Success in his career is not what makes him ultimately happy
(c) Camilla is his one, lifelong true love
(d) Having a car may be more trouble than it's worth

12. At the beach, Arturo hates the seagulls, and Camilla hates the:
(a) Sand
(b) Crabs
(c) Wind
(d) Kids

13. What is it about Vera that lingers in the room?
(a) Her sense of hope
(b) Her scent
(c) Her negativity
(d) Her sadness

14. Arturo tries to make a life for himself and Camilla by:
(a) Finding a house on Laguna Beach
(b) Asking her to marry him again
(c) Being tolerant of her habits
(d) Taking her in and feeding her

15. Arturo's next story will be based on:
(a) Camilla
(b) Hellfrick
(c) Sammy
(d) Vera

Short Answer Questions

1. Camilla's puppy, Willie, provides her with a sense of:

2. Sammy tells Arturo that:

3. Arturo finds Camilla in his closet:

4. Arturo's novel will be published, but Camilla is now:

5. How does the author tell us that Vera is an older woman?

(see the answer keys)

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