Ashes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ashes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose muddy boot prints did Isabel find inside the laundry?
(a) Widow Hallahan's.
(b) Ruth's.
(c) Kate and Elspeth's.
(d) A man's.

2. What did Isabel find missing from her haversack?
(a) Her and Ruth's free papers.
(b) Her seeds.
(c) Her knife.
(d) Ruth's doll.

3. Which of the following did Aberdeen buy Ruth?
(a) A kitten and gingerbread.
(b) Gingerbread and a toy.
(c) A kitten and a toy.
(d) Stockings and gingerbread.

4. Why did Isabel think it was a bad idea for Aberdeen and Ruth to marry?
(a) Because they were too young.
(b) Because she did not trust Aberdeen to care for her sister.
(c) Because no one should marry in the midst of a war.
(d) Because she did not want her sister to marry a spy.

5. Why did the soldiers of Curzon's company think that Isabel and Ruth had been separated from Curzon?
(a) They thought that Isabel and Ruth had gotten lost.
(b) They believed that Isabel and Ruth had been traveling with other women.
(c) They thought that Isabel and Ruth had been sick.
(d) They knew that Isabel and Curzon had been fighting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Isabel excited to hear Ruth's story about racing crabs?

2. How did Isabel learn that Curzon was lying when he said he had been hired as a blacksmith?

3. How did Ruth greet the French soldier she recognized?

4. Where were Kate and Elspeth from?

5. How did the men in Curzon's company treat Ruth and Isabel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Isabel not tell Ruth the truth about Aberdeen?

2. What did Isabel do in preparation to leave the laundry in Williamsburg?

3. How did Isabel's feelings towards Aberdeen change by the time she encountered him hiding in the bushes?

4. Why did Ruth's worry about Aberdeen increase as time went on?

5. What was Curzon's manner like when he encountered Isabel and Ruth at his company's camp?

6. Why were many of the men in Curzon's company from Rhode Island?

7. What did Isabel mean when she said, "We had been forced back into war for our liberty" (151)?

8. Why did Isabel think digging the trench was a bad idea?

9. Why was Isabel cheered by Kate and Elspeth's frustration at the extra work they had to do after the storm?

10. Why was Isabel grateful that Ruth did not say anything in the presence of Sergeant Armstrong?

(see the answer keys)

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