Ashes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ashes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the soldiers of Curzon's company think that Isabel and Ruth had been separated from Curzon?
(a) They thought that Isabel and Ruth had gotten lost.
(b) They believed that Isabel and Ruth had been traveling with other women.
(c) They thought that Isabel and Ruth had been sick.
(d) They knew that Isabel and Curzon had been fighting.

2. How did Ruth greet the French soldier she recognized?
(a) She attempted to say hello to him in French.
(b) She greeted him by name.
(c) She said "Hello!"
(d) She waved at him silently.

3. In Chapter XXIX, what did Ruth think that Isabel was planning to do to her?
(a) Leave her alone in the woods.
(b) Send her to live with Aberdeen.
(c) Send her back to Riverbend.
(d) Hurt her.

4. Where did Isabel find Aberdeen while working at the army camp?
(a) In the horse corrals.
(b) In Yorktown.
(c) Hiding in a bush.
(d) Working at a butcher's shop.

5. Why did Widow Hallahan choose Isabel to work in the tavern?
(a) Because she knew she would not have to pay Isabel.
(b) Because she knew Isabel was a good cook.
(c) Because she liked Isabel best.
(d) Because she knew Isabel was a hard worker.

6. What was the occasion for the big officer's dinner that Mister Hallahan's tavern was hosting?
(a) King George had arrived from England.
(b) An important French general had arrived.
(c) The troops in WIlliamsburg had won a major battle.
(d) George Washington and many more troops had arrived.

7. Who was Miss Marrow?
(a) A laundry worker.
(b) A spy.
(c) A seamstress.
(d) A cook.

8. When Isabel and Ruth initially arrived at Curzon's camp, who did some soldiers think that Isabel was?
(a) Curzon's sister.
(b) Ebeneezer's wife.
(c) Curzon's wife.
(d) A famous general's wife.

9. Why did Isabel and Curzon decide to part ways in Williamburg?
(a) Because they disagreed about Ruth's future.
(b) Because they disagreed about the Patriot cause.
(c) Because Curzon needed to go away to fight in the army.
(d) Because Isabel loved Curzon but Curzon did not love Isabel.

10. Why did Ruth slap Isabel?
(a) Because Isabel called her stupid.
(b) Because she realized that Isabel had lied to her about finding Aberdeen.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) Because she thought the place that Isabel had chosen to camp was haunted.

11. When General Washington arrived, how many soldiers were in Williamsburg?
(a) Hundreds.
(b) Dozens.
(c) Thousands.
(d) Millions.

12. How did Isabel learn that Curzon was lying when he said he had been hired as a blacksmith?
(a) Because Curzon told her.
(b) Because none of the blacksmiths in Williamsburg knew him.
(c) Because she caught him working somewhere else.
(d) Because Aberdeen told her.

13. Who did Ruth think they were looking for in the crowd of soldiers in Chapter XXVII?
(a) Kate and Elspeth.
(b) Ebeneezer.
(c) Curzon.
(d) Aberdeen.

14. What did Curzon and Isabel do when the other soldiers encouraged them to kiss?
(a) Ignored them.
(b) Held hands.
(c) Pretended to kiss behind Isabel's shawl.
(d) Kissed.

15. According to a soldier named Henry, what was the army's strategy for attacking Yorktown?
(a) Send French troops in on one side and Continental troops in on the other side.
(b) Send an ambush of sharp-shooters.
(c) Dig trenches and attack it with cannons.
(d) Attack in the dead of night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Aberdeen's real job in Williamsburg?

2. What did Isabel find missing from her haversack?

3. What did the British deserter in the woods say that he had been ordered to do?

4. What was the nickname Curzon earned for his bravery while digging the trenches?

5. Why was Isabel suspicious of Aberdeen when she and Ruth spent their day off from the laundry with him?

(see the answer keys)

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