Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What chronic disease did Ruth have?
(a) A disease that made her see things that were not there.
(b) A disease that made it difficult for her to walk.
(c) A disease that made it difficult for her to breathe.
(d) A disease that made her fall and have fits.

2. Why did Walter and Serafina have no family at Riverbend?
(a) Their children had died, and their grandchildren had been sold to other plantations.
(b) They never had children.
(c) All of their family members had died.
(d) All of their family members had been sold to other plantations.

3. Why did Serafina tell Ruth ghost stories?
(a) To pass the time.
(b) Because she was upset with her.
(c) To entertain her.
(d) To prevent her from running away.

4. What did Isabel do to help Ruth recover from her fever?
(a) Gave her medicine.
(b) Applied hot wet rags to Ruth's foot.
(c) Bathed her.
(d) Applied cold rags to Ruth's foot.

5. How old was Aberdeen when he first came to Riverbend?
(a) Six.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Eight.
(d) Four.

6. How had Isabel and Curzon been getting information to lead them towards Ruth?
(a) By spying on Patriot soldiers.
(b) From other slaves.
(c) By spying on British soldiers.
(d) From newspapers.

7. How long had Isabel and Curzon been traveling together as the book opens?
(a) Years.
(b) Days.
(c) Weeks.
(d) Months.

8. How was Williamsburg different from cities like Philadelphia and New York?
(a) It was smaller.
(b) It was bigger.
(c) It was cleaner.
(d) It had more farms.

9. Why were Serafina and Walter not trying to escape?
(a) They had lived at Riverbend their whole lives and did not want to leave it.
(b) They were too old and weak.
(c) They were afraid of getting caught.
(d) They wanted to stay to help other slaves that were passing through.

10. How did Curzon suggest that Isabel improve her relationship with Ruth?
(a) By being less forceful.
(b) By telling her stories about their past.
(c) By doing small favors for her.
(d) By staying close to her all the time.

11. Which of the following did Isabel see on the milestone?
(a) All answers are correct.
(b) The letter "C" for Charleston.
(c) The number 12.
(d) An arrow pointing south.

12. What did Aberdeen suggest that Isabel should do while Ruth was ill and sleeping?
(a) Sing to her.
(b) Talk to her about her plans for the future.
(c) Find healing plants in the woods.
(d) Talk to her about her past.

13. Why did Isabel call Widow Hallahan "snake-souled" (104) in Chapter XVIII?
(a) Because she lied to them about how much food they would get.
(b) Because she lied to them about how much work they would have to do.
(c) Because she treated Isabel and Ruth worse than she treated her white workers.
(d) Because she cursed at them and called them names.

14. What caused Ruth's fever?
(a) A snakebite.
(b) Eating rotten food.
(c) An infection in her foot.
(d) Cold weather.

15. Which of the following describes Ruth's reaction to Isabel's arrival at Riverbend?
(a) Ruth remembered Isabel and wanted to go to Rhode Island with her.
(b) Ruth remembered Isabel and wanted her to leave.
(c) Ruth did not remember Isabel at all.
(d) Ruth remembered Isabel and wanted her to stay at Riverbend.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Isabel get the scar on her cheek?

2. Why did Curzon want to leave their camp when Ruth was sick?

3. What was Ruth's main responsibility at the laundry?

4. How did Isabel respond when Serafina asked her if she loved Curzon?

5. In what way was Ruth different from other children?

(see the answer keys)

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