As I Lay Dying Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As I Lay Dying Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Samson claims in Chapter 29: “Samson” that he does not believe there is a bridge between them and where?
(a) The Mouth of Ishatawa.
(b) The border of Arkansas.
(c) The Mouth of the Mississippi.
(d) The border of Tennessee.

2. Whose barn are the Bundrens preparing to spend the night at in Chapter 48: “Darl”?
(a) The Samsons' barn.
(b) The Gillespies' barn.
(c) The Russels' barn.
(d) The Tulls' barn.

3. How does Dewey Dell imagine herself sitting in the wagon in Chapter 30: “Dewey Dell”?
(a) Married.
(b) Dead.
(c) Employed.
(d) Naked.

4. What is on fire in the beginning of Chapter 50: “Darl”?
(a) The Peabodys' barn.
(b) The Bundren home.
(c) The Gillespies' barn.
(d) The Andersons' house.

5. What word from Chapter 41: “Whitfield” means having unlimited power?
(a) Omnipotent.
(b) Articulate.
(c) Elusive.
(d) Evangelical.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who saves Addie’s coffin from the fire in Chapter 50: “Darl”?

2. Where does Addie tell Anse she has family in Chapter 40: “Addie”?

3. What word from Chapter 27: "Darl" means tending to induce sleep?

4. Who drops off Anse's mules in the end of Chapter 43: “Armstid”?

5. Tull describes Anse as looking like what dressed up in Chapter 31: “Tull"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What elements of the story are foreshadowed in Chapter 49: “Vardaman”?

2. How are the animals saved from the fire in Chapter 50: “Darl”?

3. How does Dr. Peabody react to Cash’s injury in Chapter 54: “Peabody”?

4. What does Vardaman think about the setting and situation in Chapter 56: “Vardaman”?

5. How is the timeline of the Bundren children described in Chapter 40: “Addie”?

6. What symbolism can be seen in Jewel Bundren’s actions in Chapter 36: “Tull”?

7. What happens between Dewey Dell Bundren and MacGowan in Chapter 55: “MacGowan”?

8. What does Darl discuss in Chapter 57: “Darl”? What is symbolized through this monologue?

9. How is the river accident described through Vardaman’s perspective in Chapter 35: “Vardaman”?

10. What does Darl recall as the reason Jewel had been unable to stay awake when he was 15 years old in Chapter 32: “Darl”?

(see the answer keys)

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