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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. When does Uncle Billy say the bridge was built in Chapter 20: "Tull"?
(a) 1902.
(b) 1888.
(c) 1875.
(d) 1779.
2. What do Anse and Jewel argue about in Chapter 24: "Vardaman"?
(a) Whether Jewel will leave to go home.
(b) Whether Jewel will drive the wagon.
(c) Whether Jewel will get married.
(d) Whether Jewel will ride his horse on the trip.
3. How old was Pa when he got sick from working in the sun, according to Darl in Chapter 5: "Darl"?
(a) 15.
(b) 19.
(c) 32.
(d) 22.
4. How long does Peabody say it's been since Anse was in town in Chapter 11: "Peabody"?
(a) 10 years.
(b) 12 years.
(c) 5 years.
(d) 15 years.
5. What environmental change does Anse blame for Addie's illness in Chapter 9: "Anse"?
(a) The installment of a condominium.
(b) The building of a hospital.
(c) The chopping down of the forest.
(d) The building of a road.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who says "I mislike undecision as much as ere a man" in Chapter 5: "Darl"?
2. To whom does Pa say "You got no affection nor gentleness for [Addie]" (18) in Chapter 5?
3. Who is the boy who walks up with a fish in Chapter 8: "Tull"?
4. How long does Dewey Dell say it took for Addie to die in Chapter 14: "Dewey Dell"?
5. What is Addie compared to in Chapter 15: Vardaman"?
Short Essay Questions
1. How is Anse Bundren characterized in Chapter 5: “Darl”? How does Jewel differ from his father?
2. What is the narrative style of As I Lay Dying? Who is introduced in Chapter 1: “Darl”?
3. How is Cora Tull characterized as a narrator in Chapter 6: “Cora”?
4. How does Peabody feel about his objective at the Bundren residence in Chapter 11: “Peabody”?
5. What is significant about Vardaman’s assessment of his mother in Chapter 15: “Vardaman”?
6. How would you describe Jewel Bundren’s actions in carrying the coffin in Chapter 23: “Darl”?
7. What makes Darl Bundren unique as a narrator in As I Lay Dying?
8. Why is Jewel Bundren angry in Chapter 4: “Jewel”? What does his anger indicate about Jewel’s character?
9. What sentence comprises Chapter 19: “Vardaman”? What is the meaning behind this chapter?
10. What is the main setting of As I Lay Dying? Where does the story begin?
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