As I Lay Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As I Lay Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cash ask about whether it is safe when he is tended to on the riverbank in Chapter 37: “Darl”?
(a) The coffin.
(b) The mules.
(c) His tools.
(d) The wagon.

2. What is Anse’s new wife carrying as she approaches the wagon in Chapter 59: “Cash”?
(a) A gramophone.
(b) A dog.
(c) A kitten.
(d) A hat box.

3. Whose house do the Bundrens arrive at in Chapter 42: “Darl”?
(a) Armstid's.
(b) Quick's.
(c) Tull's.
(d) Samson's.

4. Where does Addie describe going on in the afternoon when school was out and the last one had left in Chapter 40: “Addie”?
(a) To the church.
(b) To the spring.
(c) To the apple tree.
(d) To the library.

5. Anse continually wonders why he did not think to do what in Chapter 52: “Darl”?
(a) To prepare a will for his wife.
(b) To call ahead and have the grave dug.
(c) To disinherit his sons.
(d) To get divorced from his wife.

6. Where do the Bundrens decide to stop for medicine for Cash in Chapter 44: “Vardaman”?
(a) Anderson.
(b) Memphis.
(c) Mottson.
(d) Jefferson.

7. Who does Armstid say had told him that the levee through Haley bottom had done gone for two miles in Chapter 43: “Armstid”?
(a) Quick.
(b) Peabody.
(c) Snopes.
(d) Littlejohn.

8. What follows the Bundrens’ wagon as they travel in Chapter 44: “Vardaman”?
(a) Wolves.
(b) Cats.
(c) Chickens.
(d) Buzzards.

9. Where is Addie’s coffin carried and placed in the beginning of Chapter 51: “Vardaman”?
(a) Under an oak tree.
(b) Under an apple tree.
(c) Under a willow tree.
(d) Next to the church.

10. Samson claims in Chapter 29: “Samson” that he does not believe there is a bridge between them and where?
(a) The border of Tennessee.
(b) The Mouth of the Mississippi.
(c) The Mouth of Ishatawa.
(d) The border of Arkansas.

11. Who does Armstid say has three to four horses in Chapter 43: “Armstid”?
(a) Quick.
(b) Tull.
(c) Snopes.
(d) Peabody.

12. How many square inches of skin does Dr. Peabody say Cash will lose in getting the cast off in Chapter 54: “Peabody”?
(a) 30.
(b) 60.
(c) 90.
(d) 20.

13. What do Mack and Gillespie use to cover the animals’ eyes in Chapter 50: “Darl”?
(a) Grain sacks.
(b) Flour sacks.
(c) Their nightshirts.
(d) Rain jackets.

14. Whose money does Dewey Dell say the $10 was in Chapter 58: “Dewey Dell”?
(a) Addie's.
(b) Lafe's.
(c) Darl's.
(d) Cora's.

15. What word from Chapter 41: “Whitfield” means having unlimited power?
(a) Evangelical.
(b) Omnipotent.
(c) Articulate.
(d) Elusive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dewey Dell says in Chapter 30: “Dewey Dell" that the land runs out of Darl's eyes and swims to what?

2. What is on fire in the beginning of Chapter 50: “Darl”?

3. Of the men who accompany Darl on the train in Chapter 57: “Darl,” says they are riding on the state’s money which is referred to as what?

4. What does Cash describe stopping to borrow in the house in Chapter 59: “Cash”?

5. Why does the family perceive that Cash is safe in Chapter 37: “Darl”?

(see the answer keys)

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