As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Medium

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Medium

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meir tell Elisha about what the Sanhedrin has done?
(a) The Sanhedrin has been disbanded.
(b) They revoked Elisha's miscommunication.
(c) They were destroyed by Romans.
(d) That the Sanhedrin is meeting again.

2. What has Akiba predicted about the Roman Empire?
(a) The Roman Empire will change some day.
(b) The Roman Empire will destroy the Jewsish faith.
(c) The Roman Empire will someday fall.
(d) The Roman Empire will never fall.

3. Why does Demonax recommend that Elisha see Poleman?
(a) Poleman can outline Elisha's reading for him.
(b) Poleman has questions he feels only Elisha can answer.
(c) Poleman taught Demonax everything he knows.
(d) Poleman knows of a man who may be able to help Elisha.

4. What causes Charicles to change his mind about Elisha?
(a) He hears Elisha speak.
(b) Charicles never changes his mind about Elisha.
(c) Charicles realizes that Elisha is a Rabbi.
(d) A Rabbi tells Charicles who Elisha is.

5. Who brings Elisha the news that Manto is dying?
(a) Pappas.
(b) Manto's maid.
(c) Rufus.
(d) Poleman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Roman reinforcements bring with them?

2. How does Elisha try to deceive Rufus?

3. What do the rabbis talk about during their meeting, other than keeping the faith alive and ordaining new rabbis?

4. What is Elisha amazed to find even on death row?

5. What information about the new rabbis reaches Elisha in Caeserea?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the bloody spectacle not humor the Romans?

2. How do the Jews of Palestine react when they discover Judah was martyred?

3. Why does Akiba refuse to speak to Elisha when they see each other on the road?

4. Elisha's life was controversial and devastating as he searched for truth. Was Elisha's search for truth in vain?

5. Why does Elisha's discussion with Charicles deeply disturb Elisha?

6. Where does Elisha go during the blizzard, and why?

7. Why does Charicles say that mathematics and science could also be myths?

8. Why does Demonax refuse to take on Elisha as a student, and what consolation does he offer to Elisha?

9. Why do Elisha and Manto hide their mutual love from Rufus, Manto's benefactor?

10. What is symbolic about Meir choosing to not walk with Elisha past the boundary where Jews are not allowed to cross on the Sabbath?

(see the answer keys)

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