As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who goes mad and implicates Elisha as the one who created the disbelief in him?
(a) Nicholaus.
(b) Akiba.
(c) Simeon ben Zoma.
(d) Simeon ben Azzai.

2. Who arrives at the Temple Mount to stop the work on the rebuilding of the Temple?
(a) Caesar.
(b) The Sanhedrin.
(c) The Roman cavalry.
(d) Elisha.

3. How does Elisha try to console Deborah after she becomes pregnant twice and loses both babies?
(a) Elisha holds her hand in the garden.
(b) Elisha prepares a meal for her.
(c) Elisha buys her a servant girl.
(d) Elisha offers to take her to a feast.

4. Why has Elisha been called to return to Israel?
(a) To reforge the bond with his wife.
(b) To lecture a class in an academy on the importance of truth in faith.
(c) To stand trial.
(d) To attend the funeral of Nicholaus.

5. What happens to Eliezer's proposal concerning the ban against pagan literature?
(a) It creates a tie in the Sanhedrin.
(b) It is voted down.
(c) It is adopted and set into motion.
(d) It is laughed out of court.

Short Answer Questions

1. What idea does Elisha present to his friends about Greek literature?

2. After being asked to make a speech to a class in an academy, what does Elisha tell the students?

3. On his next journey, when Elisha stops in a small town what does he see?

4. What gift does Elisha receive from Pappas?

5. Once Elisha surveys the desolation at the Temple Mount, what does he tell Joshua?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Pappas tell Elisha that he may move with him to Antioch?

2. What did Elisha drop in his Jewish academy class?

3. Why do Antiphanes and Elisha attend all the lectures and symposia offered in Antioch?

4. What is the job of the Sanhedrin?

5. How does Elisha respond to the death of Beruriah and Meir's children?

6. Why do you think Deborah is not comfortable around Meir and his wife Beruriah?

7. What secret does Elisha tell Beruriah, and why?

8. What does Nicholaus, Elisha's tutor, look like?

9. Which friend of Elisha's is better at processing the Greek literature than the other two? Why?

10. Why is Elisha unjustly brought to court for sentencing?

(see the answer keys)

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