As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Elisha amazed to find even on death row?
(a) The Jewish prisoners are on death row.
(b) The Rabbis have lost their faith.
(c) The Rabbis still believe the faith will survive.
(d) The Roman soldiers treat the Jewish prisoners with dignity.

2. How long does the siege on Bethar last?
(a) Three years.
(b) Four years.
(c) The siege never takes place.
(d) It never ends.

3. What is Elisha's great undoing?
(a) His reasoned certainty that life is easy.
(b) His unwillingness to compromise his views.
(c) His unwavering faith.
(d) His conversation with Charicles.

4. Why do both Elisha and Pappas curtail their expenses and move to smaller apartments?
(a) The economy of the area is devastated because of the war.
(b) They are saving money to help the Jews war with the Romans.
(c) They are preparing for the harsh winter.
(d) They are trying to live more humble lives.

5. Why do Akiba and Elisha not speak when they meet?
(a) Akiba and Elisha have no interest in each other.
(b) Elisha is upset that Akiba did not stand by him in Israel.
(c) Akiba honors the commands of the ex-communication.
(d) Akiba hates Elisha for what he did in Israel.

6. How does Elisha feel about the Greek literature he has learned in his first three years in Antioch?
(a) Beneath the poetry and words there is fear and regret.
(b) That he can't comprehend Greek literature fully.
(c) He hates Greek literature.
(d) That the Greek way of life is the path he is meant to follow.

7. What does Elisha tell Meir about faith and reason?
(a) Reason is more important than faith.
(b) Faith and reason coexist and comingle.
(c) Faith is more important than reason.
(d) Faith is the nemesis of reason.

8. What do the Roman reinforcements bring with them?
(a) Horse drawn chariots.
(b) The plague.
(c) Medical supplies to help the wounded.
(d) Written demands from the Emperor.

9. What vow does Elisha make to Manto before she dies in his arms?
(a) He will love her forever.
(b) Nothing will stop him from completing his great project.
(c) He will find Rufus and aid him in his war efforts.
(d) He will tell Rufus she loves him.

10. Meir walks with Elisha until they reach the boundary which marks what?
(a) Where Jews are not allowed to cross on the Sabbath.
(b) The beginning of Roman territory.
(c) The separation between Jews and Romans.
(d) The entrance to Caesarea.

11. How does Charicles first feel about Elisha?
(a) Disgust for Elisha's reputation.
(b) He admires Elisha for his faith.
(c) He tries to avoid talking to him.
(d) Pity for Elisha's troubled life.

12. What does Rufus want Elisha and Pappas to do?
(a) To fight along side the Romans.
(b) To stay with him at his headquarters for their safety.
(c) To send a message to Israel.
(d) To inform him about the Jews.

13. What is the strength of the Jewish faith expected to outlast?
(a) The war against the Jews.
(b) The vast studies and wisdom of the Romans and Greeks.
(c) The paganism practiced by the Romans.
(d) The Jews who practice it.

14. How does Elisha try to deceive Rufus?
(a) By poisoning Rufus during dinner.
(b) By escaping and running away.
(c) By lying to Rufus by making up facts about the Jews.
(d) By not telling Rufus some important information about the Jews.

15. Where has Rufus erected his headquarters?
(a) Damascus.
(b) Temple Mount.
(c) The Sanhedrin.
(d) The arena.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elisha ask of Rufus in return for his cooperation?

2. What can Meir see in his old master's eyes?

3. What does the realization, that reason could be based in myth, do to Elisha?

4. What does Elisha realize about the peddlers as they sing their wares?

5. Who does Rufus say will sit with Elisha during the upcoming trials?

(see the answer keys)

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