As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gift does Elisha receive from Pappas?
(a) A ring.
(b) An expensive lamp.
(c) A Greek book.
(d) Old, ancient scrolls.

2. After being asked to make a speech to a class in an academy, what does Elisha tell the students?
(a) Nothing.
(b) To study Greek and Roman literature as much as they can.
(c) To listen carefully to their teacher and the rabbis.
(d) To not believe anything they are taught in the academy.

3. How old is Elisha when he gets married?
(a) 21.
(b) 23.
(c) 20.
(d) 25.

4. Why is Tobias, Elisha's steward, furious with Pappas and Elisha for their conversation with the Romans?
(a) Because the Romans caused the boys to come home late.
(b) Because now the boys want to be Romans.
(c) Because the boys weren't respectful enough to the Romans.
(d) Because the Romans murdered many Jews and destroyed the Temple.

5. What sort of people does Elisha find himself in the company of after accepting an invitation to dinner by one of the rhetoricians?
(a) Both religious zealots and scientists.
(b) Rabbis and sages.
(c) Hedonistic and self centered.
(d) Polite and well educated.

6. What is Deborah bothered by when around Meir and his wife?
(a) They're richer than her.
(b) Their children are annoying.
(c) They're not wealthy.
(d) They live in squalor.

7. Where does Elisha suspect the real truth lies?
(a) Science, math, or philosophy.
(b) The Sanhedrin, tradition, and ancient scriptures.
(c) Logic, reason, and astrology.
(d) Math, english, and religion.

8. Where are Elisha and Pappas going when they run into Theo?
(a) They are going to find Elisha's father and his uncle.
(b) They are going to study Greek and Roman works.
(c) They are headed to watch a cow give birth.
(d) They are going to find an encampment of Roman soldiers in the area.

9. What does Elisha accidentally do in Jewish academy class one day?
(a) Drops a Greek scroll in class.
(b) Trips over a student.
(c) Sets fire to the scrolls in class.
(d) Slams his fingers in the door.

10. What is the name of the Greek scholar who instructs Elisha as a boy?
(a) Theo.
(b) Abuyah.
(c) Nicholaus.
(d) Pappas.

11. What is the commander's response to the pleading of the sages?
(a) The commander releases the insurrection leaders.
(b) He orders the disbandment of the Sanhedrin.
(c) He has the sages executed.
(d) The commander does not change his orders.

12. What does Nicholaus try to convince Elisha to do?
(a) That the Romans will kill the Sanhedrin tomorrow.
(b) That Elisha will be killed in three day.
(c) To leave Israel as soon as possible.
(d) That everything is okay.

13. Why does Amram decide not to let Elisha become married to Theo?
(a) Deborah's family is much wealthier than Theo's.
(b) Because Theo's family is part Greek.
(c) Amram knows that Elisha is in love with Deborah.
(d) Amram thinks Theo distracts Elisha from his studies.

14. Why has Elisha been called to return to Israel?
(a) To lecture a class in an academy on the importance of truth in faith.
(b) To stand trial.
(c) To reforge the bond with his wife.
(d) To attend the funeral of Nicholaus.

15. When Elisha begins his studies on Antioch, what does he study first?
(a) The business of human trading.
(b) Basic Greek grammar, culture, and history.
(c) Advanced Greek grammer.
(d) Mathematics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elisha's life revolve around once he begins his studies?

2. What does Elisha say to the other rabbis after they witness a boy fall from a tree and die?

3. Who tells Elisha Pappas is not good company for him, and that he should not be reading Greek books?

4. Who tells Elisha that there are rebels among the Jews?

5. What happened to the merchant's business after the court case?

(see the answer keys)

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