As a Driven Leaf Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Chapter XXI & Epilogue.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose voice does Elisha recognize discussing cases in Jewish Law?
(a) Akiba's.
(b) Judah ben Sira's.
(c) Torah's.
(d) Theo's.

2. What causes Charicles to change his mind about Elisha?
(a) A Rabbi tells Charicles who Elisha is.
(b) Charicles realizes that Elisha is a Rabbi.
(c) Charicles never changes his mind about Elisha.
(d) He hears Elisha speak.

3. Who takes over Elisha's circumcision ceremony at the absence of Abuyah?
(a) Eliezer.
(b) Uncle Amram.
(c) Elisheba.
(d) Joshua.

4. Elisha returns home for major festivals and uses this time to learn what from Amram?
(a) The ways of business and estate management.
(b) How to become a great rabbi and sage.
(c) Why Abuyah read Greek and Roman documents.
(d) How to stop the Jewish rebels.

5. What is the result of the three years of instruction Elisha receives from Amram after his father's death?
(a) Elisha becomes thoroughly Jewish in practice and appearance, yet not in thought.
(b) Elisha begins his training to become a rabbi and sage.
(c) Elisha becomes thoroughly Jewish in practice, appearance, and thought.
(d) Elisha renounces his Jewish faith.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the leader of the rebels?

2. Why does Amram decide not to let Elisha become married to Theo?

3. What does Elisha ask of Rufus in return for his cooperation?

4. Who does Elisha find out he has been betrothed to?

5. What did Elisha's best friends do because they were manipulated by Elisha?

(see the answer key)

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