As a Driven Leaf Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Chapter XXI & Epilogue.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Soon after Elisha's conversation, a rider comes into town with what news?
(a) That the Temple has been completed.
(b) That the Romans have banned Jews from working on the Temple.
(c) That Meir has died in a horrible accident.
(d) That Elisha's wife has been injured.

2. Who does Elisha know that dies of the plague?
(a) All of the members of the Sanhedrin.
(b) Joseph and Josiah.
(c) Meir's children.
(d) Deborah and her servant girl.

3. What does Rufus say will happen to Elisha and Pappas if they do not comply?
(a) They will be jailed.
(b) They will be exiled until they change their minds.
(c) Their homes will be destroyed.
(d) They will be killed.

4. Who arranges that Elisha be released from jail?
(a) Manto.
(b) Pappas.
(c) Rufus.
(d) Antiphanes.

5. What task has Rabbi Judah ben Baba been chosen for during the meeting in the attic?
(a) To ask the Romans to leave them alone.
(b) To execute Elisha for his unbelief.
(c) To perform the ceremony for the new rabbis.
(d) To conduct the sacrifice of a small sheep.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Elisha feel about his quest to seek a reasoned certainty that would explain everything, including faith?

2. Whose mother dies soon after childbirth?

3. What happens when Meir and Elisha part ways?

4. Why is Elisha overcome with discontent when he visits with Meir and Beruriah?

5. What happens to Elisha's grave?

(see the answer key)

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