As a Driven Leaf Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Chapters XVIII - XIX.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Elisha plan to defend himself to the Sanhedrin?
(a) He does not plan to defend himself.
(b) He intends on asking for forgiveness.
(c) He will ask his friends to testify for his faith and character.
(d) He will explain how he built his faith on a foundation of truth.

2. Why has Elisha been called to return to Israel?
(a) To lecture a class in an academy on the importance of truth in faith.
(b) To stand trial.
(c) To reforge the bond with his wife.
(d) To attend the funeral of Nicholaus.

3. What is the result of the three years of instruction Elisha receives from Amram after his father's death?
(a) Elisha renounces his Jewish faith.
(b) Elisha becomes thoroughly Jewish in practice and appearance, yet not in thought.
(c) Elisha begins his training to become a rabbi and sage.
(d) Elisha becomes thoroughly Jewish in practice, appearance, and thought.

4. Where is Elisha taken after the executions?
(a) To the home of Pappas, who has been executed.
(b) To jail.
(c) To Rufus.
(d) To the home of Nicholaus, who cares for him.

5. As Elisha and Pappas travel back through the lands of their birth, what do they find has become of their homes?
(a) Roman soldiers now occupy them.
(b) They have been destroyed.
(c) They are no loger welcomed because no one knows them anymore.
(d) New families live there, and not much else has changed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which renewed friend provides Elisha with a cover to get the books he needs?

2. What happens to people who are caught practicing Jewish traditions and teachings?

3. What does Nicholaus tell Elisha when Elisha says he cannot repress his feelings and obsession with finding the truth?

4. What is Deborah bothered by when around Meir and his wife?

5. When Pappas finds Elisha alone in the garden, what does he tell him?

(see the answer key)

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