Arthurian Romances Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arthurian Romances Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does the girl try to keep Lancelot from seeing?
(a) A shoe.
(b) A comb.
(c) A brush.
(d) A sword.

2. What request does Kay make?
(a) He wishes to marry the king's daughter.
(b) He wishes to answer the knight's challenge.
(c) He wishes to be knighted.
(d) He wishes to join Lancelot.

3. What does the lion vow to do?
(a) Kill Yvain for helping him.
(b) Serve and protect Yvain.
(c) Kill the next dragon who attacks him.
(d) Nothing.

4. From where is Queen Guinevere watching the fight between Lancelot and Meleagant?
(a) The tower.
(b) The prison.
(c) The farm.
(d) Nowhere. She is not allowed to watch.

5. What does Sir Gawain find upon following Kay?
(a) Kay without his horse.
(b) Kay's horse without Kay.
(c) Kay's body.
(d) Kay and his horse's bodies.

6. What must Lancelot agree to for lodgings that is provided by the knight's maiden?
(a) To marry her.
(b) To kill her.
(c) To kiss her.
(d) To lay with her.

7. Who is ashamed that he could not defeat Meleagant?
(a) Kay.
(b) Lancelot.
(c) King Bademagu.
(d) Sir Gawain.

8. What is said to happen if a man can lift the slab in the church's cemetery unaided?
(a) All the gold underneath will belong to him.
(b) All the foreign prisoners will go free.
(c) All the spirits of the cemetery will be free.
(d) He will be granted safe passage on his quest.

9. When the Lord of Blackthorn dies, what happens?
(a) His younger daughter seizes control.
(b) His older daughter seizes control.
(c) His son seizes control.
(d) Yvain inherits the lands.

10. After the tournament, where does Lancelot return to?
(a) His prison.
(b) Meleagant's lands.
(c) King Arthur's court.
(d) His homeland.

11. What does Lunete's advice to Laudine tell us about her character?
(a) She is malicious.
(b) She is friendly.
(c) She is devious.
(d) She is cunning.

12. After Yvain is restored to health, where does he return to?
(a) The Town of Dire Adventure.
(b) Lord Blackthorn's lands.
(c) King Arthur's court.
(d) The strom spring.

13. Who tells the story of finding an ugly peasant and a knight appearing after a storm?
(a) Calogrenant.
(b) Sir Gawain.
(c) Kay.
(d) Yvain.

14. Whose assistance does the younger daughter seek?
(a) King Arthur.
(b) The lion.
(c) Sir Gawain.
(d) Yvain.

15. What does Sir Gawain prevent Lancelot from doing when they see Queen Guinevere captive?
(a) Jumping from the roof.
(b) Running downstairs to the rescue.
(c) Killing the dwarf who kidnaps her.
(d) Jumping out the window.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the person from Question #112 give Yvain to prevent him from being seen?

2. What are the terms Yvain must agree to in order to be allowed to leave to attend King Arthur's tournaments?

3. How is the problem of inheritance between the two sisters resolved?

4. In The Knight of the Cart, where does King Arthur hold court?

5. After Lancelot leaves Queen Guinevere's room the next morning, blood from Lancelot's wounded fingers is found on the sheets. Who does Meleagant accuse of having bedded the Queen?

(see the answer keys)

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