Artemis Fowl Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Artemis Fowl Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Foaly and Root see on the feed from Holly that convinces them that she is in trouble?
(a) Artemis.
(b) Butler.
(c) A bullet.
(d) The hypodermic dart.

2. What does Holly find hidden in her boot?
(a) Her locator.
(b) An acorn.
(c) A gun.
(d) Poison.

3. What does Butler not demand of Grub after the battle at the front of Fowl Manor?
(a) To have medics remove his injured.
(b) To bring him a negotiator.
(c) To collect all weapons and helmets.
(d) To leave the premises without his men.

4. What does Holly ask of Butler after the attack of the troll?
(a) Not to kill her.
(b) Give her back her magic.
(c) Not to kill the troll.
(d) Help her stand up.

5. Why does Mulch need to get outside quickly after he digs his way into Fowl Manor?
(a) He has to vomit.
(b) He has to pass gas.
(c) Artemis is on his way up the stairs.
(d) Holly is outside.

6. What can be said about Holly's journey to the ritual site?
(a) She followed all of the rules.
(b) She did not follow the rules.
(c) She did not keep her line feed open.
(d) She got lost a few times.

7. Where does Foaly place Mulch's camera?
(a) In his ring.
(b) In his eye.
(c) In his pocket.
(d) On his collar.

8. What saved Mulch from the second goblin attack?
(a) Mulch eats one of them.
(b) A guard.
(c) The goblins fear of him.
(d) Foaly.

9. What can goblins conjure up?
(a) Lightening.
(b) Sirens.
(c) Shields.
(d) Fireballs.

10. Where does Artemis take the locator?
(a) To his home.
(b) To the Ritual site.
(c) To a ship.
(d) To a pond.

11. What tactic does Holly first use on Juliet to get her to take off the sunglasses?
(a) Flattery.
(b) Violence.
(c) Pleading.
(d) Reverse psychology.

12. What is Root's plan in getting Artemis?
(a) Use the blue rinse to get rid of him and reclaim the gold.
(b) Get Holly and trick him about the gold.
(c) Give him the gold and get Holly.
(d) Blue rinse everybody and be done with it.

13. What joke does Foaly make about Root?
(a) His cigar is burning his hair.
(b) His belly is hanging over his uniform.
(c) His hair is very gray.
(d) He is too old to hold a gun.

14. How does Holly stop the troll from hurting Juliet?
(a) She lands on his head.
(b) She shoots him.
(c) She uses her Sonix sound.
(d) She flies around distracting him.

15. Into what room of the house does Mulch tunnel?
(a) The bathroom.
(b) The basement.
(c) The wine cellar.
(d) The living room.

Short Answer Questions

1. After meeting Artemis, what kind of experts does Root employ?

2. What response did Artemis give to Holly that made him angry with himself after she came into the study?

3. What gold does Artemis admit to knowing about to Holly?

4. What does Root tell the port director to do?

5. What does Mulch find in the first safe?

(see the answer keys)

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