Arrows of the Queen Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arrows of the Queen Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Talia do at Companion's field?
(a) Ride Rolan bareback.
(b) Learn how to care for a Herald's equipment.
(c) Reunite with Rolan.
(d) Try to see which horse will become her companion.

2. When does Talia feel most peaceful?
(a) When she is in the library.
(b) When she is alone.
(c) When she falls asleep at night.
(d) When she is with Rolan.

3. How does Talia clean her clothes at the river?
(a) Dipping them in the water.
(b) Scrubbing them on tree bark.
(c) Boiling them over the fire in a pot.
(d) Soaproot.

4. How do the guards react to Talia riding in on Rolan at the shelters?
(a) Nonchalant.
(b) Confused.
(c) Angry at Talia for being on Rolan.
(d) Like she is their servant.

5. What awes Talia?
(a) That she is not punished.
(b) That she is given a room in the castle.
(c) The grandness of the castle.
(d) The way everyone talks to the white horses as if they could understand them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What amazes Talia about the horse she encounters?

2. What is special about the day that Keldar calls Talia?

3. Who is Alberich?

4. Who is Sherrill?

5. Who addresses Elcarth as he is walking with Talia?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Talia comes upon a herald and what does she fear? What does he tell her?

2. How does Talia know where to go when she leaves with the Companion and where is the first place they stop?

3. What is Talia's duty for her first day of classes and what does she learn there?

4. Where are Talia and the Companion traveling when she leaves her father's holding?

5. What does Elcarth show Talia and what room most excites her?

6. Why is Talia called into a meeting with her father's wives?

7. What does a young girl do when she enters Talia's room and how does the woman who comes in respond to Talia's behavior?

8. What are Heralds and Companions?

9. Who is the woman who came into Talia's room and what does Talia find out from her?

10. Where does Talia go after her second weapons class and how does she do with the class?

(see the answer keys)

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