Arrows of the Queen Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arrows of the Queen Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes in to guard Talia to relieve the Herald who is guarding her?
(a) Selenay.
(b) Skif.
(c) Tarus.
(d) Shan.

2. What does Ylsa realize about Talia?
(a) That thought sensing may not be Talia's Gift.
(b) That Talia is probably a Projector.
(c) That Talia may not have any Gifts.
(d) That Talia has a block she has to over come to use her Gift of though sensing.

3. Why does Talia rush to Keren?
(a) To give Keren a message from Ylsa.
(b) To announce what Talia just learned.
(c) To help her with the death of Ylsa.
(d) To ask Keren to go help Ylsa at the crofter's home.

4. Who interferes with Talia working with Elspeth?
(a) Hulda.
(b) The Dean.
(c) Teren.
(d) Selenay.

5. With whom does Talia take a blood bond?
(a) Skif.
(b) Selenay.
(c) No one; Heralds are not allowed blood bonds.
(d) Elspeth.

6. What does Talia convince Skif to do?
(a) Steal a lock of Hulda's hair for a spell.
(b) Travel to Hulda's home to find out about her.
(c) Steal a lock of Hulda's hair for analysis.
(d) Steal the immigration records from the Collegium.

7. Who is questioning Skif?
(a) Selenay and Orthallen.
(b) Rolan.
(c) The Dean.
(d) Teren.

8. What is Talia's standing among the students and instructors?
(a) She is standoffish still.
(b) She is still being harassed by the Blues.
(c) She is considered odd.
(d) She is immensely popular.

9. How does Talia fight back?
(a) She calls for Rolan.
(b) She throws one of them in the river.
(c) She fights the way her weaponmaster teachers her.
(d) She uses her sword.

10. What can give Heralds a headache?
(a) Using their gifts incorrectly.
(b) Using their gifts too much.
(c) Communicating mind to mind with other Heralds.
(d) Trying to communicate with a companion that is not their own.

11. What does Talia learn about Ylsa?
(a) Ylsa is being ambused and killed at that moment.
(b) Talia cannot reach Ylsa.
(c) Ylsa is quite ill and in a crofter's home.
(d) Ylsa is almost back to the Collegium.

12. What does Talia want for Elspeth?
(a) To live at the Collegium.
(b) To attend the Council meetings.
(c) To learn to ride a regular horse.
(d) To move in with Talia.

13. Who sends out overwhelming feelings at Beltren's service?
(a) Rolan.
(b) Teren.
(c) The Queen.
(d) The Dean.

14. Why does Talia take a different route from the stables one day?
(a) To find out if the boat is back bringing her best friend.
(b) To get out of the wind.
(c) To check on her new saddle at the leather shop.
(d) To check on a robin's nest.

15. What does the Dean teach Talia?
(a) How to shield her thoughts and protect herself.
(b) How to call Rolan.
(c) Why the Heralds are gifted with magic.
(d) How to read minds.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do her ambushers seem determined to do?

2. What happens if Neave does not control his gift?

3. Why is Selenay upset?

4. Who greets Talia when she gets back to her room?

5. What does Talia still need to do as far as her time at the Collegium?

(see the answer keys)

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