Arrows of the Queen Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arrows of the Queen Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For whom does Talia mourn?
(a) Elcarth.
(b) Elspeth.
(c) Skif.
(d) Jadus.

2. How does Talia break off her connection to Ylsa?
(a) Someone slaps her.
(b) She breaks it off when the bell begins tolling.
(c) Rolan pulls her back.
(d) She breaks it off after Ylsa gives her the message.

3. Who waits in ambush for Talia?
(a) Talia's best friend as a joke.
(b) The Blues.
(c) The Reds.
(d) The new Heralds.

4. What does Talia learn that her gift is?
(a) Thought sensing.
(b) Empathy.
(c) Healing.
(d) Transmutation.

5. Who sends out overwhelming feelings at Beltren's service?
(a) The Dean.
(b) Teren.
(c) Rolan.
(d) The Queen.

6. What does Talia want for Elspeth?
(a) To learn to ride a regular horse.
(b) To attend the Council meetings.
(c) To live at the Collegium.
(d) To move in with Talia.

7. What is one thing Talia learns about Hulda?
(a) Hulda is a princess from a country that is agressive towards Valdemar.
(b) Hulda is related to Talia's mother.
(c) Hulda is related to the Herald who just died.
(d) She comes from a different country.

8. What do Talia and Skif try to make happen?
(a) Elspeth liking to ride horses.
(b) Elspeth's acceptance by the Blues.
(c) Sherrill receiving a good assignment.
(d) A sexual relationship.

9. How does Talia fight back?
(a) She throws one of them in the river.
(b) She calls for Rolan.
(c) She fights the way her weaponmaster teachers her.
(d) She uses her sword.

10. What do Talia and Skif decide about their relationship?
(a) It may blossom into marriage.
(b) It is not going to be sexual.
(c) They do not decide anything.
(d) It is just going to be casually sexual and no marriage.

11. What happens when the students return from Midwinter Festival?
(a) The Queen announces she is abdicating in favor of her daughter.
(b) A plague seeps through the town.
(c) Some of them start harrassing Talia again.
(d) Talia falls off Rolan and breaks an arm.

12. What is the unknown nobleman's goal for Elspeth?
(a) To make her malleable when she becomes Queen.
(b) To make her hate her country.
(c) To teach her how to be more independent.
(d) To make her unfit for being Chosen.

13. Why does Talia take a different route from the stables one day?
(a) To find out if the boat is back bringing her best friend.
(b) To check on her new saddle at the leather shop.
(c) To get out of the wind.
(d) To check on a robin's nest.

14. Who greets Talia when she gets back to her room?
(a) Jadus.
(b) Beren.
(c) Ylsa and her companion.
(d) Keren.

15. Why does Talia decide to check in on Ylsa with her mind?
(a) To find out where Ylsa is.
(b) To tease Ylsa.
(c) To learn the extent of Talia's range.
(d) To see if Ylsa is about to come home.

Short Answer Questions

1. How accurate is Rolan at seeing "through" Talia's eyes?

2. What does the Queen want Talia to do?

3. Why is Selenay upset?

4. Why does Talia rush to Keren?

5. How many Heralds die in the first year Talia is at the Collegium?

(see the answer keys)

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