Arrows of the Queen Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arrows of the Queen Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Seven.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who waits in ambush for Talia?
(a) The Blues.
(b) Talia's best friend as a joke.
(c) The new Heralds.
(d) The Reds.

2. How does Teren expect Talia to respond to what he says about her father?
(a) Pleased.
(b) Indifferently.
(c) With more emotion.
(d) With more dignity since she's going to be a Herald.

3. What does Talia do after learning what her father writes about her?
(a) Stoically goes to her next class.
(b) Goes and happily tells Rolan the news.
(c) Goes off by herself and cries hysterically.
(d) Goes and buries her face in Rolan's mane and cries.

4. What does Talia name the horse?
(a) Wilbur.
(b) Rolan.
(c) Ronald.
(d) Freedon.

5. How does Talia think her Holding would welcome someone like her?
(a) They would beat and jail her.
(b) The same as the villages she is riding through.
(c) She tries not to make comparisons.
(d) They would hope she would stay and become part of their clan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What three groups does the Collegium train?

2. How is Talia treated by people in the villages she passes?

3. What mystifies Talia's instructors?

4. Who is delighted to see Rolan at the gate?

5. Where does Talia go after dinner?

(see the answer key)

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