Arrow's Flight Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arrow's Flight Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Kris worry concerning him and Talia?
(a) That Talia will no longer be interested in Dirk.
(b) That Talia will become pregnant.
(c) That he will become too attached to Talia.
(d) That Talia will expect marriage.

2. What does Talia worry about as far as Kris is concerned?
(a) That Kris will send her off to another intern supervisor.
(b) That his fear of her will get her an unfavable mid-internship report.
(c) That he will tell Dirk that Kris and she are lifebonded.
(d) That he is too interested in Talia romantically.

3. About what does Talia worry?
(a) Why Kris hasn't been as warm to her that day.
(b) How long it will take the Guard to clear the road.
(c) If they have enough supplies to last the storm.
(d) If the storm will continue for much longer.

4. Why does Talia continually try to exhaust herself?
(a) Because there is so much to do to survive.
(b) So she can fall into bed and sleep immediately rather than being sexually involved with Kris.
(c) Because she can control her gift better when tired.
(d) Because she is proving her worth to Kris.

5. What will they do for the time they are snowed in?
(a) Practice their mediation skills.
(b) Practice Talia's control.
(c) Practice sword fighting.
(d) Create a new code for the Heralds.

6. What does Kris admit about his uncle?
(a) That the man loves power.
(b) That his uncle is slightly insane.
(c) That he is cruel.
(d) That he is inappropriately using his power to influence land distribution.

7. What does Kris do that causes Talia to sob?
(a) Insults her gift.
(b) Tells her he is relieving her of her Herald duties.
(c) Is unkind to Rolan.
(d) Slams her into a wall.

8. What becomes a reflex due to Kris' continual drilling?
(a) Talia getting an arrow on her bowstring quickly.
(b) Talia drawing her sword when Kris moves towards her.
(c) Talia jumping onto Rolan whether saddled or not.
(d) Talia doing her Grounding and Centering.

9. What does Kris share with Talia to help her sensitivity?
(a) A herbal tea drink.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A bottle of wine.
(d) A pipe with calming herbs.

10. What can Companions do to help Talia?
(a) Impose shields on her for short times.
(b) Train her to block their minds.
(c) Watch out for any incoming emotions from others.
(d) Nothing.

11. What is one rumor floating around about Elspeth?
(a) She is unfit for the crown.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She is in with a bad group of students called the Blues.
(d) She is flunking Herald school.

12. What do Kris and Talia do for warmth?
(a) Make a chirra lie down next to them.
(b) Bring the animals into the shelter.
(c) Light a magic fire log.
(d) Cuddle.

13. What do Rolan and Tantris agree to do?
(a) Return to the last village for help.
(b) Tell Kris and Talia the history of the Companions.
(c) Help Kris and Talia.
(d) Speak to the chirras on behalf of Kris and Talia.

14. What does Talia say she could easily do concerning Kris?
(a) Dislike him.
(b) Love him.
(c) Hate him.
(d) Leave him for Dirk.

15. How does Talia think Kris often looks at her?
(a) With impatience.
(b) With uneasiness.
(c) With a shadowed expression.
(d) In irritation.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long do they think they might be snowed in?

2. What does Kris suggest they do to alert anyone passing by on the road?

3. What does Talia think Lord Orthallen fears in regards to Talia?

4. What is in the package Dirk sends Talia?

5. What does Talia worry about doing?

(see the answer keys)

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