Arrow's Flight Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arrow's Flight Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kyril make Talia practice for several hours?
(a) Bowing the proper degrees for various nobles.
(b) Getting on and off Rolan without using her hands.
(c) The patterns of what he just taught her.
(d) Packing her bags and saddling Rolan, all in under two minutes.

2. Where do the humans flee during the wars of long ago?
(a) The Northern marshlands.
(b) The Eastern coastline.
(c) The high passes.
(d) The lower plans in the West.

3. About what does Talia chide Kris?
(a) For cleaning her tack instead of letting her do it.
(b) For taking so much time to bathe.
(c) For putting his bedroll outside to give her privacy.
(d) For thinking of her as a woman rather than a Herald.

4. What does Talamir decide to do with Elspeth?
(a) Send her to a remote fosterage.
(b) Poison her.
(c) Take her to a remote area and teach her for a couple years.
(d) Declare her unfit to rule Valdemar.

5. Who is the note from that is on Talia's door?
(a) Kyril.
(b) Dirk.
(c) Selenay.
(d) Elspeth.

6. For what does Talia petition Selenay?
(a) To be allowed to train as a healer for several months.
(b) To enter a new trainee into the Collegium.
(c) To be allowed to go see her father who his dying.
(d) To be released from her duties for a month.

7. What is a Herald?
(a) A musically talented male who is in charge of announcing royalty.
(b) A musically talented female who is in charge of announcing royalty.
(c) A human that bonds with a companion.
(d) The human assigned to cull the wolf cubs for companions.

8. Who knocks on Kris' door in the late evening?
(a) His sister.
(b) His lover.
(c) His uncle.
(d) His mother.

9. What does Selenay do after dinner?
(a) Asks for a counsel of war.
(b) Announces Elspeth as heir.
(c) Renounces Elspeth as heir.
(d) Formally announces Talia as the Queen's own.

10. What does Selenay do to ensure holder children are allowed to leave the Hold?
(a) Has Heralds interview all children in Holds when they are about 10.
(b) Makes a decree.
(c) Nothing; it is out of her jurisdiction.
(d) Sends Heralds who are empaths to sense unhappy children.

11. What does Talia have to memorize?
(a) Complex oaths and bindings.
(b) Her investiture poem that she wrote.
(c) All the anatomical parts of a horse.
(d) The Queen's right of rule document.

12. What is one thing Talia does at court each day?
(a) Teach Elspeth rules of succession.
(b) Confer with Lord Caris.
(c) Debate rules of protocol.
(d) Confer with the Seneschal.

13. What news do Keren and Sherrill give Talia?
(a) Talia's father is there to reconcile with her.
(b) She has received the Badge of the Sword award.
(c) She has been voted into full Herald status.
(d) Talia's sister has been chosen as a healer in training.

14. What is the Queen or King's own?
(a) The designated heir to the throne.
(b) A Herald chosen by a special Companion that never ages.
(c) The second in line to the throne who is in charge of protecting the monarch.
(d) A special talisman who helps the monarch choose Heralds.

15. Who is Talamir?
(a) The Rogue Herald who kills King Sendar.
(b) The assassin hired by Velgarth.
(c) The assassin hired by Karse.
(d) The Queen's own to Selaney.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kyril think will work to Talia's advantage?

2. How does Talia cheer up Elspeth?

3. What do the females in the Holderkin do if they take a vow of chastity?

4. From where is the new Queen's own?

5. What is the Hand of Fate?

(see the answer keys)

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