The Day They Came to Arrest the Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Day They Came to Arrest the Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Karen warn she might do which spurred Principal Moore to threaten to fire her?
(a) Burn down the library.
(b) Go to the media.
(c) Return any 'removed' books to the shelves.
(d) Report him for incompetence.

2. During her appearance on television, on which point did Deirdre state her agreement with Kate?
(a) That there is sexism in Huckleberry Finn.
(b) That Huckleberry Finn should be banned.
(c) That citizens should be protected from offensive material.
(d) That freedom is dangerous.

3. Which TV program interviews Barney?
(a) "60 Minutes".
(b) "The Oprah Winfrey Show".
(c) "Nightline".
(d) "Good Morning, America".

4. Who admits to ignoring Frank Sylvester and Helen Cook since the vote?
(a) Principal Moore
(b) Nora Baines.
(c) Deirdre Fitzgerald.
(d) Maggie Crowley.

5. What does the committee decide of Huckleberry Finn?
(a) To censor certain chapters of the book.
(b) To ban it from required reading lists.
(c) To provide it to senior students only.
(d) To teach it only to white students.

6. What does Barney suggest Gordon should do in discussions about Huckleberry Finn?
(a) Gordon should keep his opinions to himself.
(b) Gordon should raise his voice.
(c) Gordon should excuse himself.
(d) Gordon should speak out.

7. What is Reuben Foster doing at the beginning of Chapter 10?
(a) Speaking with Carl McLean.
(b) Composing a letter to Deirdre Fitzgerald.
(c) Role-playing conversations.
(d) Reading through "Huckleberry Finn".

8. Where is the review hearing being held?
(a) In the auditorium.
(b) At the town hall.
(c) At the town library.
(d) In the school library.

9. What does Nora say is actually tried when a book is on trial?
(a) The imagination, free-speech and feeling of its author.
(b) Those individuals who have read and found value in the book.
(c) The values of the American public.
(d) The arts.

10. What is the outcome of the board's vote?
(a) The vote is split and the committee is dissolved.
(b) Huckleberry Finn is banned from the school.
(c) Huckleberry Finn is kept free from restrictions.
(d) Principal Moore loses his job.

11. What does Luke question Barney about in regards to the school paper?
(a) Why he would want to work for it.
(b) Why there is so much coverage of the "Huckleberry Finn" controversy.
(c) Why he did not write any stories about the previous year's censorship issue.
(d) Why he can't find a copy to read.

12. Who does Principal Moore have a telephone conversation with at the beginning of Chapter 9?
(a) Carl McLean.
(b) A member of the school board.
(c) Maggie Crowley.
(d) Nora Baines.

13. What has Barney written for the school paper?
(a) An interview with Deirdre Fitzgerald.
(b) A profile of Principal Moore.
(c) An editorial about Huckleberry Finn.
(d) An investigation of Prinicipal Moore's censorship.

14. What does Barney say will happen when his story is published?
(a) Principal Moore will be fired.
(b) Karen Salter will be a heroine.
(c) He will be expelled from school.
(d) The "Huckleberry Finn" issue will be quickly settled.

15. How does Principal Moore try to convince Deirdre to remove the books from the library?
(a) By threatening her job.
(b) By expressing that it's for the good of the school.
(c) By offering her a pay raise.
(d) By describing it as a kind and compassionate act.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Moore ask Deirdre to do with the library's copies of Huckleberry Finn?

2. What does Barney state that no one should have the right to do?

3. What does Nora Baines walk into the library carrying?

4. What does Nora feel should never occur?

5. What organization has also filed a complaint against the book?

(see the answer keys)

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