Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder Test | Final Test - Medium

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Douglas Kent Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder Test | Final Test - Medium

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Douglas Kent Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what days in Schwarzenegger's plan do we focus on the back, chest, and shoulders?
(a) Tuesday and Friday.
(b) Tuesday and Thursday.
(c) Sunday and Wednesday.
(d) Monday and Wednesday.

2. What type of squats are recommended during weight training?
(a) Squats with fewer weights, three quarters of the way down.
(b) Squats with greater weights, and partials, three quarters of the way down.
(c) Full squats with no weights.
(d) Full squats with greater weights.

3. What does Arnold provide Joe Weider in exchange for a car, apartment, and weekly salary?
(a) A ticket home.
(b) New poses.
(c) A new gym.
(d) His training methods and the rights to use Arnold's photographs in his magazine.

4. What helps you keep from becoming muscle bound?
(a) Swimming after your weight workout.
(b) Stretching.
(c) Working out more.
(d) Massage.

5. What should anyone over age 25 have before beginning a weight lifting program?
(a) A general medical checkup.
(b) New equipment.
(c) More carbohydrates.
(d) A vitamin regimen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one freehand exercise performed to condition the abdominal?

2. How does Arnold manage to maintain his relationship with Weider?

3. How does the "pairs of days" program foster reaching the maximum size and retention of shape and definition for bodybuilders?

4. To what problem can sport-specific training lead?

5. How much weight should you use when working out with weights?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are two activities that you should perform prior to a weightlifting workout?

2. What foods make good sources of protein, an important factor for a bodybuilder?

3. What are two general health improvements gained by bodybuilding?

4. What are several important factors to consider when developing the muscle groups?

5. What happens when a bodybuilder becomes muscle bound?

6. What are the three pairs of workout days used with accelerated progressive resistance weight training?

7. In Part One, Chapter Seven, describe the benefits received by Arnold and Joe Weider after Arnold comes to America under Weider's sponsorship.

8. In what two contests does Arnold compete in one night in New York?

9. Describe two considerations when choosing the amount of weight with which to train in accelerated progressive resistance weight training.

10. What are the goals of accelerated progressive resistance weight training?

(see the answer keys)

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