Armor Test | Final Test - Easy

John Steakley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Armor Test | Final Test - Easy

John Steakley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What title did Felix have?
(a) Guardian Archon.
(b) Commander in Chief.
(c) Ship Pirate.
(d) Battle Cruiser.

2. In what role is Felix unable to help anyone?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Student.
(c) Engine.
(d) Firefighter.

3. Who does Felix get paired up with when he lands on the ground with the other warriors?
(a) A joint chief of staff.
(b) A commander.
(c) A cruiser.
(d) A pilot.

4. What mission is Felix on in Part 4?
(a) 50th.
(b) 19th.
(c) 100th.
(d) 20th.

5. After Felix's wife died, what did he do?
(a) He became a drunk.
(b) He moved to Wisconsin.
(c) He left Golden and abdicated the throne.
(d) He traveled aimlessly.

6. Who shows up and joins Jack and Lya on their break?
(a) Holly.
(b) Quan.
(c) Ants.
(d) Lewis.

7. When Lya dug into the records of the Independence Day events, what did she discover?
(a) That Jack was a robot.
(b) That Felix had not been at Banshee on that date.
(c) That the Ants were coming.
(d) That the Ants were actually human.

8. Who owns the planet?
(a) Lya, a magician.
(b) Lewis, a drunk.
(c) Jack Crow, a thief.
(d) Quan Tri, a mathematician.

9. Who spits at Jack?
(a) Eyes.
(b) Felix.
(c) Ants.
(d) Forest.

10. Who does Felix face when he turns around before he gets hit in the face and left unconscious?
(a) Lya.
(b) Kent.
(c) Karen.
(d) Eyes.

11. What does Jack tell Wice will be turned off in a few days?
(a) Project Complex defenses.
(b) Water.
(c) Power grid.
(d) Electricity.

12. When did the first human invasion of Banshee occur in relation to Jack currently?
(a) Twelve hundred years ago.
(b) Seven years prior.
(c) Five hundred years ago.
(d) Four years prior.

13. Who was Felix's wife?
(a) Lya.
(b) Karen.
(c) Forest.
(d) Angel.

14. What information are Holly, Lya, and Jack able to corroborate about the Independence Day war?
(a) Forest did exist and died on Banshee as Felix had seen and she did place runner up in the Armored Olympics.
(b) That Forest was in love with Nathan Kent.
(c) That humans are part-ant.
(d) That Felix was good.

15. How did Felix's wife die?
(a) She committed suicide.
(b) She was killed in a freighter accident.
(c) She drowned.
(d) She was murdered.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do part of Felix's reflexes show slight tendencies toward?

2. What does Jack do in order to do his job?

3. Who does Holly discover that the suit belonged to?

4. Who is the woman that Jack sees that is kidnapped and escapes?

5. Who asks Jack if he developed the Blaze-Drive?

(see the answer keys)

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