Are You Afraid of the Dark? Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Are You Afraid of the Dark? Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Diane and Kelly plan on visiting first thing in Chapter 39?
(a) Betty Barker.
(b) Nicole Paradis.
(c) Yvonne Renais.
(d) Lois Reynolds.

2. How many times a year does KIG hold "board meetings" in the suite at the Delmont Hotel?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

3. What does Mark tell Kelly that the audience felt after she had an embarrassing moment on the runway?
(a) Adored her.
(b) Laughed at her.
(c) Despised her.
(d) Booed her.

4. What does Diane learn the bank believes her to be when she arrives to get her passport?
(a) Another person.
(b) Deceased.
(c) Missing.
(d) In jail.

5. What is the name of the hotel for women that Diane and Kelly take refuge in during Chapter 23?
(a) Brown Palace Hotel.
(b) The Mandarin Hotel.
(c) Wilton Hotel.
(d) The Delmont.

6. What is the name of the female scientist who Tanner has killed because she will not leave Tokyo First International for KIG?
(a) Ethel Hackworth.
(b) Madeline Smith.
(c) Nicole Paradis.
(d) Carolyn Ter.

7. Who arrives in Chapter 32 and saves Kelly and Diane from being captured?
(a) Ben Roberts.
(b) Gary Reynolds.
(c) Betty Barker.
(d) Richard Stevens.

8. What do Diane and Kelly hop on to flee from Harry Flint in the Delmont Hotel?
(a) A cab.
(b) A subway car.
(c) A limo.
(d) A streetcar.

9. What does Tanner wipe out of Diane and Kelly's in Chapter 32?
(a) Their identities.
(b) Their assets.
(c) Their property.
(d) Their family connections.

10. What is the name of the man that watches Kelly escape in a cab, who vows to kill her slowly?
(a) Harry Flint.
(b) Ben Roberts.
(c) Vince Carballo.
(d) Greg Holliday.

11. Who do Diane and Kelly see on TV reporting on the death of Altieri?
(a) Phillipe Cendre.
(b) Edmund Barclay.
(c) Gary Reynolds.
(d) Ben Roberts.

12. Where do Diane and Kelly find a modest boardinghouse to stay at in Chapter 30?
(a) The East side.
(b) The South side.
(c) The West side.
(d) The North side.

13. What does Kelly do on the runway one night after breaking it off with Mark that embarrasses her?
(a) Laughs.
(b) Falls off the runway.
(c) Trips and falls.
(d) Cries.

14. How old does Kelly tell Mark that she was when she was raped that made her uninterested in sex?
(a) 15.
(b) 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 13.

15. What does Harry Flint flash fake credentials of when he boards a plane in search of Diane and Kelly?
(a) IRS.
(b) FBI.
(c) DEA.
(d) FAA.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time is the memorial service set to be at KIG headquarters?

2. How fast does Diane accelerate her car when fleeing from Harry Flint in Chapter 35?

3. Which of the following things does Kelly not say KIG will be watching in Chapter 24?

4. What is the name of the hotel that Tanner lures Kelly and Diane to in Chapter 29?

5. Where do Kelly and Diane have a layover after boarding a flight to Barcelona?

(see the answer keys)

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