Arcadia Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Arcadia Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brice say of Septimus with regard to their duel?
(a) That Septimus is all bluster and bladder
(b) That Septimus is a formidable shot
(c) That Septimus will enlist Byron's help
(d) That Septimus will find a way to cheat.

2. Why does Gus run out of the room at the end of the scene?
(a) He hates people shouting
(b) He is bothered by the pistol shot
(c) He is jealous of Chloe's affection for Bernard
(d) He feels Valentine is disrespectful of Byron

3. Who arrives after Hannah exits?
(a) Chloe and Bernard.
(b) Valentine and Gus.
(c) Bernard and Gus.
(d) Chloe and Valentine.

4. How does Bernard first mislead Hannah?
(a) He lies about his relationship with Chloe.
(b) He lies about his work on Byron.
(c) He lies about his job.
(d) He lies about his name.

5. In what year does the play begin?
(a) The present.
(b) 1865.
(c) 1809.
(d) 1818.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hannah demand of Bernard that prompts him to call her a silly bitch?

2. Thomasina does not discover that Septimus was found with Mrs. Chater because_____________________________.

3. What does Thomasina believe she can plot with mathematical formulas?

4. What does Chloe claim is true of her brother?

5. When Thomasina asks Septimus about sexual congress, he _________________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Lady Croom's character.

2. Why has Thomasina come to see Septimus in the middle of the night?

3. Why is Gus considered a genius?

4. What details of the duel does Septimus agree to?

5. What plan of Byron's is objectionable to Lady Croom?

6. What has Chloe's mother done to help Bernard?

7. Describe Valentine's view of Bernard's article.

8. How does Septimus manage to placate Lady Croom about his own behavior?

9. What is the theory of heat exchange discussed in the scene?

10. What "compact" has Septimus made with Thomasina in the hermitage?

(see the answer keys)

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