Arcadia Test | Final Test - Easy

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Arcadia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bernard invites Hannah to London for ________.
(a) His lecture.
(b) More research.
(c) A book tour.
(d) Sex.

2. What does Gus bring Hannah at the end of the scene?
(a) A drawing of Septimus holding Plautus.
(b) A drawing of Septimus and Byron.
(c) A drawing of Septimus and Thomasina.
(d) A drawing of the hermit in his hermitage.

3. What is the difficulty with Thomasina's diagram?
(a) She hid the formulas so no one would be able to decipher it.
(b) She did not have time to complete it.
(c) She did not care enough about the subject to take it seriously.
(d) She did not have the mathematical knowledge to complete it.

4. According to Chloe, what is her mother looking for?
(a) A thesaurus.
(b) A theodolite.
(c) A dictionary.
(d) A microscope.

5. Bernard calls Hannah's first book _________________.
(a) A work of historical value.
(b) A romance novel.
(c) A work of fiction.
(d) A novelette.

6. What tabloid headline does Hannah share with the Crooms?
(a) Bonking Byron Shot Poet
(b) Mad Monkey Bites Back
(c) Child Prodigy Solves Apple Leaf
(d) Sex, Literature, and Death at Sidley Park

7. Septimus apologizes for ______________________________.
(a) Bringing Byron to Mrs. Chater's room.
(b) Bringing Chater to Byron's room.
(c) Bringing an unworthy lover to Mrs. Croom.
(d) Bringing an unworthy friend to Lady Croom's home.

8. What is the title of Bernard's publication?
(a) The wit and wisdom of Thomasina Croom
(b) Even in Arcadia--Sex, Literature, and Death at Sidley Park
(c) The Couch of Eros
(d) Byron's duel, and the hidden genius of Ezra Chater

9. When Thomasina suggests they must hurry to dance, Septimus responds that __________________.
(a) They cannot waltz to the current song.
(b) It would be improper for them to dance.
(c) They have time.
(d) They do not have time before her mother returns.

10. Why do Valentine, Bernard, Hannah, and Chloe leave during the scene?
(a) They are being photographed for the local paper.
(b) They are being interviewed for the local paper.
(c) They are being photographed for Bernard's book.
(d) They are being photographed for Hannah's book.

11. Where does Hannah find proof that Bernard's theory is incorrect?
(a) In Thomasina's portfolio.
(b) In Noakes' garden sketches.
(c) In Lady Croom's letter from Septimus.
(d) In Lady Croom's garden book.

12. What does Thomasina say is significant about tomorrow?
(a) It is the last day of her life.
(b) It is her seventeenth birthday.
(c) It is her sixteenth birthday.
(d) It is the last day of Septimus' employment.

13. How does Hannah reconcile the tension between science and religion?
(a) Science is the countenance of God's creation
(b) Science measures what is quantifiable, while religion explains what is qualitative
(c) Science is God's method of ordering the universe
(d) Science is valuable as an earthly struggle; religion a cheat

14. Chloe believes the deterministic universe cannot work because _____________________.
(a) Egos get in the way.
(b) Sex gets in the way.
(c) Math will not allow it.
(d) History gets in the way.

15. Why does Hannah encourage Valentine to continue working on his own equations?
(a) The completion of his work will validate Thomasina's genius
(b) She believes he will find validation in the afterlife
(c) The struggle to know is what makes us matter
(d) The benefits of his discovery will save lives and improve society

Short Answer Questions

1. Hannah's quoting of Byron's poetry suggests what to Valentine?

2. What does Septimus do with the letters at the end of the scene?

3. What does Bernard suggest is incorrect about Hannah's first book?

4. What is Thomasina wearing when she enters?

5. What is Bernard's response to Hannah's statement that she has a theory but cannot prove it?

(see the answer keys)

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