Arcadia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arcadia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lady Croom compares Noakes to _________________.
(a) A rooster in the henhouse.
(b) A rabid dog.
(c) A bull in a china shop.
(d) A lamb among lions.

2. Where does Hannah find proof that Bernard's theory is incorrect?
(a) In Lady Croom's letter from Septimus.
(b) In Lady Croom's garden book.
(c) In Thomasina's portfolio.
(d) In Noakes' garden sketches.

3. What is the difficulty with Thomasina's diagram?
(a) She did not have time to complete it.
(b) She did not have the mathematical knowledge to complete it.
(c) She did not care enough about the subject to take it seriously.
(d) She hid the formulas so no one would be able to decipher it.

4. Who is Lady Croom's latest lover?
(a) Bernard.
(b) Jellaby.
(c) Count Zelinsky.
(d) Noakes.

5. What article has Septimus loaned Byron?
(a) His copy of The Maid of Turkey.
(b) His copy of Keats.
(c) His copy of The Couch of Eros.
(d) His copy of Byron.

6. What does Augustus question Septimus about?
(a) Sex.
(b) Newton.
(c) Women.
(d) Determinism.

7. When Thomasina suggests they must hurry to dance, Septimus responds that __________________.
(a) They have time.
(b) They cannot waltz to the current song.
(c) They do not have time before her mother returns.
(d) It would be improper for them to dance.

8. Bernard invites Hannah to London for ________.
(a) His lecture.
(b) A book tour.
(c) Sex.
(d) More research.

9. What plant betrays Bernard's theory about Byron and the duel?
(a) A mum.
(b) A daisy.
(c) A dahlia.
(d) A pansy.

10. What sound occurs in this part of the scene?
(a) A steam engine.
(b) A train's whistle.
(c) A dog howling.
(d) A dog barking.

11. According to Chloe, what is her mother looking for?
(a) A microscope.
(b) A dictionary.
(c) A thesaurus.
(d) A theodolite.

12. Lady Croom believes she must marry Thomasina off before _______________________.
(a) She is too old to be found desireable.
(b) She is too poor to be an eligible bride.
(c) She is educated beyond eligibility.
(d) She is too sarcastic to be found desireable.

13. How does Hannah reconcile the tension between science and religion?
(a) Science is the countenance of God's creation
(b) Science is valuable as an earthly struggle; religion a cheat
(c) Science is God's method of ordering the universe
(d) Science measures what is quantifiable, while religion explains what is qualitative

14. Chloe believes the others won't support Bernard's theory because __________________.
(a) They are trying to steal his ideas.
(b) They are angry with him.
(c) They don't understand him.
(d) They are jealous.

15. What does Bernard learn about his theory of Byron and the supposed duel with Chater?
(a) He learns that Chater and Byron were actually friends.
(b) He learns that Chater and Byron were not at Sidley Park at the same time.
(c) He learns that Chater killed Byron at Sidley Park.
(d) He learns that Chater was not killed at Sidley Park.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bernard calls Hannah's first book _________________.

2. What are the four actors onstage doing when the lights go down?

3. Septimus apologizes for ______________________________.

4. What does Lady Croom ask Jellaby to bring her?

5. Valentine believes ___________________________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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