Arcadia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arcadia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Septimus receive at the beginning of the scene?
(a) Another letter.
(b) A book.
(c) Another turtle.
(d) An apple.

2. How does Chloe describe her brother, Gus?
(a) As a sexist.
(b) As a threat.
(c) As a savant.
(d) As a genius.

3. Who suggests Lady Croom's translation of Et in Arcadia Ego is incorrect?
(a) Augustus.
(b) Thomasina.
(c) Chater.
(d) Brice.

4. Chater accuses Septimus of __________________-.
(a) Betraying his wife.
(b) Stealing his wife.
(c) Insulting his wife.
(d) Misleading his wife.

5. Who seems particularly offended by Septimus' dalliance with Mrs. Chater?
(a) Lord Croom.
(b) Noakes.
(c) Brice.
(d) Jellaby.

6. Thomasina is also upset over _________________________.
(a) The advances of Captain Brice
(b) Augustus' endless teasing
(c) The lost plays of of the Athenians and Aristotle's library.
(d) Septimus' lack of mathematical vision

7. Septimus' reply to the letter is _____________________________.
(a) That he is unable to meet with Chater that day.
(b) That he will meet Chater after he is done teaching.
(c) That he will not dignify Chater with a response.
(d) That he needs time to consider Chater's challenge.

8. What is Hannah's gift to Bernard?
(a) The three letters from Septimus' book.
(b) A letter from Byron to Mrs. Chater.
(c) A letter from Byron to Septimus.
(d) A letter from Lady Croom to her husband.

9. What is Valentine studying using his mathematical process?
(a) Thomasina
(b) Apple leaves
(c) Tortises
(d) Grouse

10. Chater realizes that Byron intends ____________________.
(a) To challenge him to a duel.
(b) To leave with Mrs. Chater.
(c) To give him a positive review.
(d) To give him a bad review.

11. Where are the game books kept?
(a) In the closet.
(b) In the commode.
(c) In the pantry.
(d) In the attic.

12. Who enters the scene uninvited?
(a) Byron.
(b) Brice.
(c) Noakes.
(d) Chater.

13. Where does the play take place?
(a) Rosings Park, Derbyshire.
(b) Sidley Park, Derbyshire.
(c) Sydney Park, Australia.
(d) Central Park, New York.

14. Brice accuses Septimus of ___________.
(a) Heresy.
(b) Lying.
(c) Rape.
(d) Theft.

15. What sound interrupts Lady Croom's conversation?
(a) A gun shot.
(b) A scream.
(c) The steam engine.
(d) Piano music.

Short Answer Questions

1. Thomasina delivers a letter from ________________.

2. Chloe asks Hannah ___________________________.

3. Thomasina is supposed to be studying

4. How does Bernard first mislead Hannah?

5. What is the title of the poem Septimus is reading?

(see the answer keys)

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