Arcadia Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Arcadia Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1, Scene 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are the game books kept?
(a) In the closet.
(b) In the attic.
(c) In the pantry.
(d) In the commode.

2. What does Chloe claim is true of her brother?
(a) She claims he is in love with Hannah.
(b) She claims he is leaving Sidley Park for good.
(c) She claims he has fought a duel.
(d) She claims he has information about her book.

3. Which character enters and exits without speaking?
(a) Valentine.
(b) Gus.
(c) Bernard.
(d) Chloe.

4. What does Brice say of Septimus with regard to their duel?
(a) That Septimus is a formidable shot
(b) That Septimus is all bluster and bladder
(c) That Septimus will enlist Byron's help
(d) That Septimus will find a way to cheat.

5. When Thomasina asks Septimus about sexual congress, he _________________________.
(a) Attempts to leave the room.
(b) Attempts to offer a detailed explanation.
(c) Attempts to seduce her.
(d) Attempts to change the subject.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lady Croom believes Thomasina has _______________________.

2. Thomasina describes the hermit in her drawing to _____________________.

3. What sounds end the scene?

4. Why is Hannah skeptical of Bernard's conclusion regarding Byron's duel with Chater?

5. When he learns he might find information about Byron, Bernard makes arrangements to _______________.

(see the answer key)

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