Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kevin Boyle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kevin Boyle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year does the book begin?
(a) 1914.
(b) 1925.
(c) 1943.
(d) 1954.

2. In what year was Sweet born?
(a) 1899.
(b) 1872.
(c) 1895.
(d) 1884.

3. What does Sweet carry in his pocket?
(a) Amulet.
(b) Cross.
(c) Lock of the baby's hair.
(d) Ammunition.

4. Where did Sweet go to find work for the summer?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Detroit.
(c) Baltimore.
(d) Minneapolis.

5. What was the surname of the governor of Florida?
(a) Henderson.
(b) Hart.
(c) Henry.
(d) Hudson.

6. Whose wife was attacked and raped?
(a) Sweet's wife.
(b) Minister's wife.
(c) Senator's wife.
(d) Soldier's wife.

7. What percentage rate did the Sweets have to pay to buy the house?
(a) 16%.
(b) 12%.
(c) 24%.
(d) 18%.

8. On what night was the meeting held?
(a) Monday.
(b) Tuesday.
(c) Sunday.
(d) Thursday.

9. What is Dr. Sweet's first name?
(a) Osgood.
(b) Oswald.
(c) Ossie.
(d) Ossian.

10. Who was President of the United States at this time?
(a) McKinley.
(b) Truman.
(c) Wilson.
(d) Garfield.

11. What was the name of the hospital built to serve the black community?
(a) Detroit Negro Hospital.
(b) Davidson Medical Center.
(c) Dunbar Memorial Hospital.
(d) Eiselberg Medical Facility.

12. Which of the following is one of Sweet's destinations?
(a) Brussels.
(b) London.
(c) Tokyo.
(d) Vienna.

13. What was the surname of Sweet's attorney friend?
(a) Edwards.
(b) Perry.
(c) Smith.
(d) Carter.

14. How long had the doctor been in his new home before he was attacked?
(a) 12 hours.
(b) 5 hours.
(c) 90 minutes.
(d) 1 day.

15. In what month was election day in 1923?
(a) November.
(b) May.
(c) April.
(d) January.

Short Answer Questions

1. With which famous scientist did Sweet long to study?

2. What was the name of the physician who maintained an office not far from Sweet's practice?

3. Sweet's father buys property in which Florida town?

4. There was a large movement to destroy which entity?

5. Where did Sweet hail from?

(see the answer keys)

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