The Arabian Nights Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Arabian Nights Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The eldest of the Three Ladies of Baghdad speaks of two black dogs. Who are they?

2. In The Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman, what does Kamar chase for ten days?

3. In The Tale of the Portress in Chapter 3, what is the title of the third sister?

4. In the story of The Sweep and The Noble Lady, where does the sweep work?

5. What is contained in the handkerchief that the noble lady gives the sweep?

Short Essay Questions

1. What could one say might be the moral of this story in The Tale of The Birds And The Beasts And The Carpenter?

2. What is the purpose of Shahrazad telling this story In Hatim Of the Tribe of Tayy to the King?

3. How might Shahrazad's tale in The Tale of The Three Apples whittle away at the king's assumption that all women are faithless and untrustworthy?

4. What is the purpose of Shahrazad deciding to tell this seemingly innocuous story to the king in Ali The Persian?

5. What does the circular nature and connectedness of the happenings in The Tale of The Three Apples imply?

6. What are the fundamental differences in value systems between the duck and the three other animals; peahen, peacock and antelope metioned in The Tale of The Birds And The Beasts And The Carpenter?

7. How do faith and destiny align in The Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman?

8. How in the Tale of Ghanim in Ayyub, The Distraught, The Thrall O'Love does Shahrazad strive to replace King Shahryar's distrust of women with doubt over his belief?

9. In The Story of King Shahryar and His Brother, the tale within a tale about the fisherman and the Jinni demonstrates the power of what kind of belief system?

10. Describe the character of the man burdened with debts in The Man Who Stole The Dish of Gold Wherein The Dog Ate.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The City of Many-Columned Iram and Abdullah Son of Abi Kalibah, is unique in that King Shahsyar's faults are pointed out to him by a woman. But, unlike a court jester who can mock a king directly to point out his faults, Shahrazad has to hint at King Shahryar's faults through the stories of other kings with faults. Please write an essay on the facts/life situations Shahrazad must keep in mind throughout her entire experience with her king. In your intro, choose the adjective you use to describe how she must be with great care, and use them to back up your arguments.

Keep in mind:

The role of women in society at the time these stories were compiled.

The specific situation Shahrazad is in until the end of the book.


After reading the above essay assignment, write a similar essay on what a similar/parallel situation might be for a woman to do something like this in present day, and the situational challenges she might face in similarity and/or difference to Shahrazad.

Essay Topic 2

In Abu Kir The Dyer And Abu Sir The Barber, the character of goodness in Abu Sir saves him from the evil actions of his false friend Abu Kir. All lies clearly become revealed in time, and as the saying goes, time heals all wounds. Write an essay outlining and explaining the ways in which the lessons stated above are acted out and proven throughout Abu Kir The Dyer And Abu Sir The Barber.

Essay Topic 3

Choose the tale that you feel is the most powerful/poignant one, within one of the following realms of appreciation:

1. Your personal life/impression.

2. The king and his situation within the novel at that moment.

3. The general adult audience of the times.

4. The general adult audience now.

(see the answer keys)

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